A First Quarter of Dramatic Realizations and Creative Resolutions

A First Quarter of Dramatic Realizations and Creative Resolutions

Saturday's First Quarter Moon in late Aries has much to offer, as we arrive at a crucial moment in this January lunation cycle, in the very heart of this current Mercury Retrograde period. Regarding the latter, which has characterized January's Capricorn cycle, we have in these last few days come past the point of the Sun's conjunction with Mercury, one peak...

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A January New Moon of Restructuring, Resurgence and Realignment

A January New Moon of Restructuring, Resurgence and Realignment

As we get into the actual heart of the New Year timing, with the mid-Capricorn New Moon of Saturday evening, January 9th, conjunct Pluto, itself closely square Uranus, and with Mercury having begun its month-long retrograde cycle through the sign of Capricorn, we can sum up these first tentative steps into 2016 as in some ways a continuation of where we left off,...

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Mercury Retrograde January 2016: Reflecting and Releasing

Mercury Retrograde January 2016: Reflecting and Releasing

Yes, it's that time again: Mercury Retrograde. The 3-4 week period when there seems to be a tricky energy coursing through many of life's circumstances, and it can appear to be more difficult than usual to make progress, or be efficient. While some of us have come to dread Mercury Retrograde, it actually (just like all astrological phenomena) has a myriad of ways...

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The Magical Metamorphosis of the Christmas Full Moon

The Magical Metamorphosis of the Christmas Full Moon

Friday's Full Moon takes place on the early hours of Christmas Day, and if it is a gift, and it is, this one comes with the mandate to use it wisely. The outer planets are again very much involved, along with the personal planets of Mercury, Venus, and Mars, all in aspect to each other, and to Neptune, Uranus, and Eris, in this powerful and portentous end-of-year...

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Foundational Shifts and the Evolution of Collective Belief Systems

Foundational Shifts and the Evolution of Collective Belief Systems

If you follow astrology you know that the Pluto-Uranus square has been rocking the state of our collective evolution these past few years. While the last official "exact hit" has come and gone, as this year draws to a close and the next begins, this energy is resurfacing as the two power house planets are coming very close again to an exact square...

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