The Gifts of Venus in Relationship:  Learning to Love Ourselves

The Gifts of Venus in Relationship: Learning to Love Ourselves

Because February tends to be a time when we are reminded of love, romance, and the nature of our relationships, it's an appropriate time astrologically to check in with the celestial governess of love and beauty, namely Venus. Right now Venus is making her way through the practical and structure-loving realm of Capricorn, and is recovering from her recent...

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A New Moon of Ongoing Metamorphosis

A New Moon of Ongoing Metamorphosis

Monday morning's Aquarius New Moon is quite a potent one, with emphasis on important outer planet placements, thus ratcheting up the intensity of the revolutionary times in which we find ourselves, both culturally and individually. The placement of the New Moon degree connects to both Venus and Mars, as they still also aspect Pluto, along with Uranus, Chiron and...

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A Full Moon of Reassessment and Transformational Impulse

A Full Moon of Reassessment and Transformational Impulse

Saturday evening's Full Moon takes place early Leo, opposed to the Sun in Aquarius, with a prominent Venus, newly entered into Capricorn, and as well in the heart of the current Mercury Retrograde period. This is a rather intense time for Mercury, when it is getting ready to station in close conjunction with Pluto. Mercury passed through its second time in...

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Happy Aquarius Season!

Happy Aquarius Season!

Today, January 20th, 2016, the Sun moves into the sign of Aquarius! Here's some information about this astrological archetype: Aquarians have a rebellious nature, and are eccentric, spontaneous and original. They are forward thinking and detached, and can seem conservative though they really are not very much so. They are scientifically minded and logical, and...

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David Bowie: A Legend Made of Stars

David Bowie: A Legend Made of Stars

David Bowie was a unique soul who stirred us all. A Capricorn with Aquarius rising and a twelfth-house Sun, he was practical but in his own unique, mystical and sometimes other-worldly way. The androgynously artistic persona of glam that he evolved did seem to have the air of a being newly arrived on planet earth, for the benefit of its less-aware natives. He...

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