New Moon in Virgo – In Service to Collective Evolution

New Moon in Virgo – In Service to Collective Evolution

The time of the New Moon is upon us, and we are given another chance to renew our intention amidst the intense evolutionary churning of our time. This New Moon is at the 25-degree mark of Virgo, the zodiac sign that signals the time of the harvest, and offers us the task of differentiating between that which is good and nourishing from that which is not meant for...

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Mars Retrograde 2020:  Embracing Sacred Volition

Mars Retrograde 2020: Embracing Sacred Volition

From September 9th until November 13th Mars will be on a retrograde journey through his home sign from 28° to 15° of Aries. During this time we can expect to see all of Mars’ themes come to the fore in a thoughtful and introspective manner as we adjust our assertiveness. Mars represents our will power, ability to take action, raw wildness, and inner...

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A Full Moon Full of Transformational Surprises

A Full Moon Full of Transformational Surprises

The Pisces Full Moon of late evening September 1st, morning hours of September 2nd for the east coast and Europe, is another in the series of powerful lunations that we have been seeing lately. This is because as we draw ever closer to the mid-November accentuated triple conjunction of Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn, every outer planet is emphasized in this early...

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A New Moon of Attitude and Restrained Action

A New Moon of Attitude and Restrained Action

Tuesday evening’s Leo New Moon, early morning for Europe and points further east, takes place relatively late in the sign, at 26 + degrees, and makes an exact aspect to the contracting and limiting archetype of Saturn, still retrograde in the same degree of Capricorn. This emphasizes the ongoing Saturn-Pluto conjunction, with Jupiter hovering nearby, with the...

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Mars in the Sky and in Your Birth Chart

Mars in the Sky and in Your Birth Chart

With the current motion of Mars, it is a particularly important time to examine the placement of Mars in your birth chart. In the coming New Moon, Mars conjuncts the new planet Eris, precisely squares the Saturn/Pluto midpoint, and opposes new planet Haumea representing Natural Law. On September 9th Mars retrogrades in Aries for a subsequent return to these...

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