Posted on March 2, 2025 in Overviews
By Henry Seltzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This month is quite complex, with five planets in mystical Pisces as it begins, the intensity of two eclipses, and the simultaneous retrogrades of two inner planets, Mercury and Venus, during its second half. Beginning under the aegis of the Pisces New Moon from the closing days of the previous February month, with also Neptune in close conjunction to the North Node on the very edge of the Aries sign and Jupiter in Gemini featured, March has quite a lot going on from its very start. Venus retrogrades in Aries, thus in her detriment, while Mars, now direct, is also in his fall in Cancer, so that both these personal planets are not at their best, while, additionally, the retrograde of Venus brings all our relationships into introspective questioning of how we are handling them, hidden gotchas, and ultimate motivation. The enhancement of true life purpose for all parties is our goal. In the current lunation cycle’s First Quarter Moon, on the 6th, Jupiter in Gemini is also featured, giving – in spite of these warning indications – an optimistic and communicative focus to the month’s second weekend.
The Full Moon and total lunar eclipse in Virgo takes place late evening of the 13th, PT, near midnight, and therefore in the early morning hours of the 14th for time zones further east, and during early daylight hours that day for Europe and points beyond. This is a significant lunation, being an eclipse, and with a stacked Aries sign including five planets counting Neptune, on its edge, in the closest degree to Aries, 29° Pisces. Venus already in retrograde in Aries, from March 1st, is matched by Mercury there as well, about to station and reverse direction, creating the beginning of the March Mercury Retrograde period that lasts into April. Chiron at 21° of Aries is conjunct Eris at 24° making up the total. The Sun and Moon also aspect both Saturn in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus, plus Chiron/ Eris, making for quite a potent configuration. We would want to say it involves contraction, restriction or limits, and dedication (Saturn) along with surprises and surprise enlightenment from intuitional sources (Uranus) and the acknowledgment of inner wounding that includes a dedication for exploring that (Chiron with Eris).
Mercury retrogrades at 9° of Aries, 24 hours later, and subsequently follows Venus in backward motion, Venus beginning at 7°, through to the first degree of Aries, and then into late Pisces by the very end of the month. The two signs therefore that are featured (along with Virgo, the sign of the Full Moon) are Pisces and Aries. Any planets in your natal chart in these signs, especially in early Aries or late Pisces, is getting an unexpected make-over through this somewhat difficult month with its double inner planet retrogrades, quite unusual.
As March comes to a close, on the 29th we experience the second of its two eclipses, this time a solar eclipse at 9° of Aries, thus a New Moon that will initiate a somewhat contentious thirty-day lunation cycle lasting almost all of April. To mention a few details here, we have Mars, ruler of this eclipse and of the Aries sign, square Chiron, and trine Saturn, and we have the Sun and Moon closely opposed to new 21st century planet Makemake, plus Mercury conjunct Neptune near the first degree of Aries, trine Pluto and highlighting the Pluto- Haumea square that remains quite close and that presages issues of lies and unrighteous behavior being exposed. That Makemake is highlighted signals a form of dedication for taking an active stance toward social and environmental issues that seem to matter.
The last extraordinary date to mention for this March month would be the entrance of Neptune, ruler of Pisces, into Aries, which takes place in the early morning hours of March 30th, just after the Aries New Moon eclipse the day before. The orbital period of Neptune being 165 years, the last Aries ingress of Neptune occurred in the 1800s, in fact in 1855 on the eve of the Civil War. When we look at America today, we might be struck by the coincidence. The consequences of this change of sign are nearly as dramatic as the Pluto ingress into Aquarius, especially since mystical Neptune is not particularly at home in practical and physical Aries. Time will tell what is to transpire over these next few years, as Neptune settles in. No matter how you slice it, there is likely to be some sort of focus on the mystical or the dimensions beyond the 3D physical plane, what we perhaps laughingly call “reality.” There is also a connection to deception, fantasy, and dreamworlds that should prove fascinating. The fact that Saturn will eventually join Neptune in the Aries sign – by late May – is also relevant, as this combination is sometimes referenced as “the unmasking of deception.”
Taken all in all, this March month, while potentially contentious, is quite exciting, and will be useful for self-exploration on many levels. It helps to keep faith, as we can manage it, for the universe to have our back. We know on some level that everything happens for a reason, although often a mysterious one to our simply human mind, and this faith may be our guiding light to hang on, amidst the madness, for things to eventually begin to shape up in ways more in keeping with our more favored idea of cultural progress. Blessed be!
With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.
Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.
All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!
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