Libra Horoscope for February 2025

Libra Horoscope for February 2025

Posted on in Libra |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another month of challenges and payoffs for you, Libra, especially if you can stay flexible. The Aquarius New Moon that astrologically defines February lit up your creativity sector, which is evolving with the changing patterns of your beliefs and worldview. This is, for you, an almost activist timing, when your values are becoming more evident as you describe them to others and proceed to act upon them. Your intuitional intelligence is strong right now and carries information arising from your depths, defying logic, but nevertheless a signifying truth. There is this urge within you to stay true to yourself, as signaled by what emerges from these deeper layers of your psyche, along with a competing pressure for surrender to the stale wisdom of the consensus. You may find that the week of February 3rd is powerful for you in this regard, with shifting valuations when conscious and less conscious intuitional awareness is coming through. The Leo Full Moon of the 12th makes for a kind of culmination, when you are more aware of the outer world effect of what you do and say, and when important partnerships of all kinds, plus future plans, get a more distinct focus. What will see you through would be your trust in your own deepest principles above all else – independent of outside distractions.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

You meet February in the early days of the Aquarius lunation cycle based on the recent New Moon in your sector of romance, self-expression, and children. With Sun and Moon forming a trine to Jupiter in Gemini, as well as new 21st century planet Makemake in your sign, you’re in your element this month, with a grand trine in Air that gives you a sense of determination to go your own way in spite of torpedoes – as it were – in order to stand up for what you most deeply believe. Your passions and creative artistry could find expression through intellectual, spiritual, or travel-related pursuits. A Mercury-Pluto conjunction in this New Moon configuration intensifies your mental processes and conversations this month, perhaps confronting you with unexpressed desires or creative drives. Your communicative outreach may be subtle in its changes. With transformational Pluto now in Aquarius, indicating long-lasting changes in your self-expression and adherence to your own individual projects, what’s coming to the surface over the course of this month offers the first whispers of the universe’s evolutionary plan for you for the next two decades.

A triple conjunction also takes place in this New Moon, perfecting in early February, between your ruling planet, Venus, Neptune, and the Lunar North Node in Pisces. This also shapes this lunation cycle, bringing focus to your sector of health, daily work, and routines, as well as partnership interactions. The first weekend of February may invite you to break from business as usual and prioritize what nourishes you. With the Lunar Nodes having shifted into the Virgo-Pisces axis, this area of your chart is the focus of an important new chapter, set in motion by eclipses this year. Neptune’s ongoing conjunction with the North Node this month may heighten the sense of uncertainty that comes with being in this transitional phase, urging you to anchor into a new vision and cultivate a deeper connection to the sacred.

Venus enters Aries on February 3rd, which could see important relationships in your life take unexpected priority. Empowered by a Venus sextile to Pluto, this ingress may draw you into deeper territories influencing matters of love, sensuality, and money — aspects of which will be up for further review next month.

A prolonged square between Chiron in Aries and retrograde Mars in Cancer also suggests you could be probing the emotional undercurrents of a romantic or business partnership in February. While dynamics within your realms of vocation and public image could activate insecurities, Mars’ introspective process offers strength through vulnerability; supporting you to access your power through consciously asserting needs and addressing imbalances.

On February 4th, Jupiter stations direct in Gemini, perhaps bringing themes of higher learning, beliefs, and exploration into focus in the surrounding week, as well as your more intimate relationship connections. Associated with wisdom and faith, this shift may signal renewed momentum within your intellectual and spiritual activities or new opportunities to expand your consciousness.

On the morning of February 9th, a Mercury Cazimi takes place in Aquarius. The broader Mercury- Sun square surrounding this moment of extreme clarity lasts from the 8th to the 9th. Charged up by an applying square to Uranus in Taurus, this period could bring surprises, relationship epiphanies, and other new insights. Unforeseen factors or rapid acceleration in resource or relationship dynamics could spark new awareness of issues with children, romance, or the cultivation of your passions.

The Leo Full Moon arrives on February 12th, Illuminating the significance of your long-term dreams and the communal dimension of your life. You could be reflecting on how much of yourself to share within collective spaces or on expressing your creative essence without fear of judgment. You may become more aware of how your creative output lands in your surrounding society. A tense T-square from Sun and Moon to Uranus in Taurus suggests new innovative recognition of this role, and perhaps turbulence in what’s going on privately within you or for your financial and collaborative entanglements; this may push you to take account of emotional realities as you navigate the social implications of change. Yet, Uranus' liberating energy – referred to as “freedom from the known,” – encourages you to explore new pathways to your creativity and your basic joys by fostering genuine connections and sharing your unique magic with others.

Mercury enters Pisces on February 14th, followed by the Sun on the 18th as we enter Pisces season, where a buildup of planets converges in your sector of health, daily work, and service.

On the 23rd, Mars stations direct in Cancer. Standing dead still in the sky adds symbolic weight to the Mars presence and to its aspects, most noticeably the trine between Mars and Mercury in Pisces plus the long-running trine there with Saturn. Friction or fatigue could peak in this final week of February, perhaps emphasizing reevaluation in matters of career, calling, and leadership, Mars’ trine to Mercury in Pisces as it stations could help you balance directness with diplomacy, perhaps with greater awareness of what you’re emotionally invested in or your needs to account for your well-being as well as your workload. While slow progress may require patience, the path is clearing for you to make moves in your domain of outer achievement.

On February 24th and 25th, a Mercury-Saturn conjunction in Pisces could help you strike a balance between structure and flow. While a confrontation with obstacles could push you to get serious about your health or habits, it’s an ideal time to formulate new strategies and consider the sharing of tasks and care taking efforts.

The Pisces New Moon on February 27th draws fresh energy into the rhythms of your daily life, encouraging you to cultivate practices that nourish your well-being and sense of purpose. You could be feeling over the following month a new sense of life mission. With Sun and Moon forming a square to Jupiter, the ruler of this New Moon, the pull of distant horizons might be something strongly felt as well, or perhaps frustrations with your usual daily grind. This tension invites reflection on how your beliefs and attitudes shape your everyday reality, encouraging you to broaden your worldview, deepen a spiritual practice, and take action aligned with your values and compassion.

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