Libra Horoscope for May 2021

Libra Horoscope for May 2021

Posted on in Libra |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month you are on a mission to find your true footing in the areas of creativity and outer public statement, Libra, and it involves partnership with others as well as greater intimacy with deeper aspects of yourself. This month presents paradoxes as well, so that conversely you are also geared up for intuitional explorations on your own, behind and beyond your conscious mind. In the early going you are torn between practicality and rather wild flights of fancy that have imagination and depth of connection going for them. There is also changeability in terms of intimate connection. You are caught in a push-pull between warring elements within your own psyche, and seeking in the process greater balance within yourself and also with important others. Ancient inner wounding might come up, to confound and somewhat block you, and yet also to alert you to the potential for making peace in these darker regions of your psyche. Everything is transforming, nothing remains static, and so you must learn to surf the waves rather than allowing yourself to go under.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

As the month of May begins, you are still reeling from the Aries New Moon that took place in mid-April, and that might have brought a new dynamic within certain of your partnerships. You may be in the midst of planning and securing agreements or sorting shared resources. A powerful emotional catharsis that occurred last month may be currently triggering a time of deeper introspection. Fears or emotions related to jealousy or issues of power may have been coming up to the surface in order to be processed. You are also feeling a joyful impulse to take charge of your relationships in a new way, and to make of partnership a viable stepping stone to articulate and act upon your own deeper principles. However, anything that feels uncertain could also be bothering you, as you try to solidify your commitments, so that the beginning of the month could continue to bring incertitude and changing circumstances where you must adapt to the demands of other people.

A creative project or a romantic scenario may have had to be put on hold as you dealt with these unforeseen circumstances. It may be hard to reconcile your desire for joy with your responsibilities especially as the Sun in Taurus comes into a square with restrictive Saturn in Aquarius on the 3rd. It may feel like every time you start having fun you have to put yourself or what you are doing on hold. Finding a balance between your personal desires and the need to attend to your obligations could prove to be frustrating especially at the beginning of the month.

Your perspective will start to open up as Mercury enters the sign of Gemini where it will be until mid-July, corresponding to your higher mind sector of education and travel. Your ruling planet Venus follows suit and enters the sign of the Twins on the 8th. This influx of planets in Air will bring a supportive influence to the sign of Libra and should help you gain perspective on your current affairs, especially after the Taurus New Moon hits on May 11th.

This New Moon brings fresh energy to your business or intimate partnerships which may also help you gauge where the support of others is essential versus where it may be time to cut your losses. You cannot be everything to everyone and you may feel divided between your head and your heart. Mars transiting in Cancer squaring Chiron in Aries on the day of the New Moon may bring tension related to what you need to feel supported right now. It may feel easier to deny your desires than to risk losing the support you already have even though it is not satisfactory.

Jupiter enters its traditional home of Pisces on the 13th where it will be for the next 10 weeks. Jupiter in Pisces should bring more enthusiasm for things related to your well-being, your health and your physical routine. You may start to improve on your habits while Jupiter is here which in turn could improve your health. There may also be a tendency to feel more indulgent with food especially if you’ve been very strict in past weeks with your routine. Overall, Jupiter in Pisces should bring positive developments in your everyday life and augment your desire to take care of your body.

The Sun enters the sign of Gemini on the 20th signaling the beginning of the Mutable season, a time of change and transitions. If you’ve felt stuck or in a rut while the Sun was in Taurus, you should start to regain a healthy sense of perspective during Gemini season. The square between the Sun in Gemini and Jupiter in Pisces taking place during the third week of May finds you dreaming about Summer vacations or a fun trip you could take. Your eyes are set on new horizons both physically and mentally and your desire for new experiences may come to the forefront in the next few weeks.

On Wednesday, May 26th the first lunar eclipse of the year takes place in the sign of Sagittarius and thus occurs in your communication sector. A lunar eclipse is when the Full Moon gets obscured by the shadow of the Earth passing between the Sun and the Moon. Symbolically you can imagine that something is simultaneously culminating and also being eclipsed. The eclipse taking place in the part of your chart that relates to writing, exchanging ideas, and more extensively social media and the internet may bring realizations around the ways in which you exchange knowledge and information. While you may be very attached to social platforms that allow for a quick information intake, you might be beginning to realize that a lot of your time can be wasted in that way, without substantial gains. You may be feeling ready to deepen or share your skills through other mediums that can stand the test of time.

Mercury turns retrograde on the 29th in Gemini, corresponding to your higher mind sector, while squaring Neptune in Pisces. The end of the month may bring a host of new creative ideas that will need to be worked though in the following weeks. Mercury turns to direct motion on June 22nd, and finally escapes its retrograde shadow in the first full week of July. Things may not run as smoothly as anticipated around the last weekend of May and it may be wise to allow yourself extra time to complete your tasks.  

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