Libra Horoscope for April 2021

Libra Horoscope for April 2021

Posted on in Libra |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month is a rather intense one for you, Libra, and deals with several different ramifications of relationship in your life. There is a concentration of energy in this area, beginning even before the month began. The dynamic Full Moon of the last weekend of March brought for you a focus of self and other to the table, and perhaps will showcase difficulties in your current or your potential partnerships. If so the hope is that you will rise to the challenge. If you do find that issues are coming up for you, the prescription is to treat this event as an opportunity rather than a trial, a chance to explore what you have beneath the surface layers of your personality; in essence, a chance to move toward healing old wounds by loving acceptance of whatever you find deep within you. The Aries New Moon of April 11th is also quite strong and brings up working with partners to evolve, either individually or as a unit. This also depends on coming to your own conclusions, independently of the ideas of others, through what you have deep inside yourself. The opportunity is always there to make strides along the path of growth; you have only to take them.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Relationships could be on your mind at the beginning of the month with the Sun and Venus transiting in Aries. A wind of change is blowing in terms of what you need from your partnerships. Creativity, pleasure, and passion could be high on your priority list when it comes to who you want to share your time with. 

Mars currently transiting in Gemini in your vision sector emphasizes growth and possibilities. You’re not willing to sit around much longer and wait for a miracle to happen. You may be bored with the same old routine, and it's a good time to try to expand beyond your comfort zone. The New Moon in Pisces from mid-March may have set you out on a mission to deal with all the logistical stuff that you had been putting on the back burner. Now that you are catching up with the mundane details of your everyday life, you can slowly start envisioning bigger projects.

Mercury enters Aries on the late evening of the 3rd linking expansion and partnership together for the next three weeks. Creative collaborations may bring new opportunities to grow beyond your current limitations. Reaching out to others with your ideas could pay off and help set a vision in motion. You may also have to renegotiate the terms of a partnership in the following weeks and be called to find a compromise. Mercury conjunct Chiron in Aries on the 8th and 9th could bring up a difficult situation. A partnership dynamic could become more complicated to manage causing you or someone else to feel victimized. It may be that issues that were disregarded for a while come back again which forces you to reflect on what you require from a relationship in the first place. The possibility for a resolution in your partnership is possible but you must be honest about what your needs are, and what you can offer to someone else at this time. Venus in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn a few days later may bring control issues or manipulative behavior to surface. You may have to contend with a certain amount of intensity in your partnerships at this time. However, a healthy relationship could also benefit from the transformational energy permeating this time and deepen the existing bond.

The New Moon in Aries on the 11th carries a potent reset for your partnerships. Both Venus, your ruler, and the new planet, Eris, are conjunct the New Moon in your opposite sign, and you will find great energy for existing relationships or for the possibility of new ones. Someone you admire might be displaying leadership qualities which in turn can help you grow. Both Mars in Gemini and Jupiter in Aquarius are sextile with the New Moon showing that there is much support available for the new forms emerging in your life. The intentions you set at this time must be aligned with your changing desires. You may feel torn between your existing arrangement and the new directions tugging at your heart strings and you may not be able to get what you want without a few calculated risks. 

Once Venus enters Taurus on the 14th however, you may feel less inclined to take the risks that seemed so appealing just a few days ago. Your attention may start to shift on your existing support system, favoring security over uncertain opportunities.

The third weekend of April brings a host of supportive aspects that can help you sort out your priorities especially in terms of who, or what you want to be spending your energy on. Mars in Gemini trine Jupiter in Aquarius could bring good news related to teaching, travel, education, or a creative project. Mercury’s superior conjunction with the Sun on the 18th could bring valuable insights related to an important person in your life. Mercury’s purifying process only a week after a potent New Moon here promises to bring solutions or clarity for issues you’ve been struggling with in your relationships.

The Sun and Mercury enter Taurus on the 19th, a fact which continues to emphasize your partnerships in the following weeks and more extensively the resources available to you through your contracts and agreements with others. Things are busy and you may have to divide your attention during the later part of April if you are to fulfill all of your responsibilities. Others may expect more from you at this time so you could have less time to focus on your personal goals. You may have to put a project on pause and be forced to attend to your obligations.

Mars enters the sign of Cancer on the 23rd, where it will spend the next two and a half months energizing your career sector. On one hand you may have to contend with the pre-existing agreements you have with others and spend a lot of your time fulfilling your end of a bargain. On the other hand, you may have to deal with the pace of things increasing at work and the possibility for career advancement. 

The Full Moon on the late evening of the 26th culminates in Scorpio, a sign associated with powerful needs and the necessary cycles of death and rebirth. This Full Moon could shed light on your true emotions especially if you’ve been withholding them for the sake of convenience. A mode of operation that you’ve relied on consistently may not be working for you anymore. The changes coming at you right now may seem like they are outside of your control or have been forced upon you. However, it may be time to acknowledge that the only expectations you have to live up to are your own, and that by asserting your needs you also build a stronger sense of personal agency. 

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