Libra Horoscope for January 2019

Libra Horoscope for January 2019

Posted on in Libra |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You are busting out with some new moves this month, Libra, although it will take some weeks to be able to see it. This is an intensely focused time for you, although with much of the developmental thrust taking place below the surface. At the powerful New Moon eclipse of January 5th, you are concerned with matters of home and family, and the psychological roots of your being. These also translate to unexpected developments on the partnership front, where much of your energy inevitably goes, although now quite thoroughly intensified. As the month unfolds, curiosity and learning becomes an increasing focus as well, which will take you further down your road of self-unfolding. All though the past month, and with increasing energy in this one, issues of service to the surrounding collective are paramount, and take on a spiritual sense of mission. While the world around you seems impossibly messed up in many ways, you may take heart in the fact that you are striving to make it right.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

Happy New Year, Libra!
This month features two eclipses, one in Leo and one in Capricorn, plus a long lineup of transits through the sign of Capricorn, therefore your fourth house of home and family, starting with a Sun/Saturn conjunction in Capricorn on January 1st, followed by a powerful Solar Eclipse in Capricorn on January 5th, fully emphasizing core values, familial interrelationships and home improvement. Then, there is a Sun/Pluto conjunction, also in Capricorn, on January 10th, and finally a square from Mars in Aries to Saturn in Capricorn on January 21st.

With eclipses thus set to roll through your fourth house for the next year, plus Saturn gradually approaching a conjunction to Pluto in your fourth house by the winter of 2020, the topics of home and family are incredibly important for you right now. Whether you are thinking of buying or selling your home, dealing with the passing of grandparents, sickness in the family, or delving into personal issues from the past, there is an undeniable gravity surrounding these topics for some time to come. You are ready to start a new chapter and establish a new foundation for everyday living, but it will require a very deep level of surrender and wisdom to pass through the challenges ahead. Doing the work of family or generational healing can be rewarding work, but these transits to your fourth house will not allow you to gloss over anything right now.

On January 8th, Mercury in Capricorn will square Mars in Aries in your seventh house of relationships, and then, between January 12th and 13th, Mercury in Capricorn will conjoin Saturn in your fourth house of home and family. During this window of time you will be thinking very carefully and potentially scrutinizing something or going through a period of intense dialogue with someone you are close with. You are likely looking for some solid ground to stand on right now in your relationships, but in order to find it you may have to pick and choose your words and battles in your relationships very carefully, being willing to compromise along the way.

On January 13th, just as the Sun and Moon come into the square alignment of the First Quarter Moon, Jupiter in Sagittarius in your third house of the mind, communication, and siblings will square Neptune in Pisces in your sixth house of work, sickness, and service. Venus in Sagittarius is also perfecting a trine to Mars in Aries in your seventh house of relationships on January 17th. You are likely brimming with ideas and inspiration, but you might be struggling with the sheer amount of work it is going to take in order to actualize or implement those ideas. The third and sixth house combination is often about the implementation of ideas and thoughts into everyday work and service in the world, but the sixth house also is about the grind or labor involved. The good news is that Venus’ trine to Mars in the seventh house of relationships might bring help or enthusiasm from others, which could be of great help.

On the late evening of January 20th, a Lunar Eclipse falls into Leo in your eleventh house of friends, allies, groups, and benefactors. This is the final eclipse in a long series of eclipses that have been taking place in your house of groups and friends for more than a year now. Who you call your friends, what groups you belong to, and who you share common goals and values with is seriously shifting right now as you are being offered one last opportunity to release and let go of associations that are no longer serving you or to see the ripened fruits of your labor with others over a long period of time.

Then, on January 22nd, Venus will conjoin Jupiter in Sagittarius in your third house of siblings, the mind, and short journeys. This transit signifies grand and romantic ideas and exchanges with others, travel or short journeys filled with romance, grandeur, learning, and beauty, or possibly good fortune in relation to your siblings or neighbors. You may be particularly charming and persuasive right now but be careful about over promising. This expansive and jovial transit should be balanced very naturally by the careful and grounded presence of all that Capricorn energy moving through your fourth house.

With a new year upon us, now is a wonderful time to receive personalized astrological wisdom for your year ahead with a transit report.

What does 2019 have in store for you?

2019 forecast astrology report
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It's been a very interesting, transformative year, and 2019 is sure to hold many more surprises and mysteries. Thankfully, the wisdom of astrology can help us all prepare for and navigate life with more grace and ease. See what's in store for you with a personalized astrological transit 2019 Forecast Report.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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