Libra Horoscope for February 2019

Libra Horoscope for February 2019

Posted on in Libra |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of internal over external, Libra, and the blossoming of inner work into outer accomplishment. The February 4th New Moon highlights your ruler, Venus, located in your sector of home and family, implying that a significant focus for the month will connect with issues such as family of origin, current familial relations, and perhaps reconstituting your dwelling space to a more congenial pattern. These rearrangements and transformations accompany connection with Nature as a pathway to Spirit. Partners in your life provide additional emphasis for acting only on your deepest and most sincere values. You are simultaneously liberating your sense of your own self-expression, and also assuming greater responsibility for structuring your home and your sense of your psychological roots. Your sense of idealism is strong, as well as your passion for a mission of service. The timing of the February 19th Full Moon sees you through to the practical fulfillment of exteriorizing all that you hold inside for the benefit of those around you.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

month begins just as Mars in Aries in your seventh house of relationships makes a square to Pluto in Capricorn in your fourth house of home and family, exact on February 2nd. This transit brings catharsis and confrontation into both home and relationships. Meanwhile, Venus in Sagittarius in your third house of siblings, the mind, and communication trines Uranus in Aries in your seventh house and thankfully brings a charming, outspoken, and harmonizing philosophical influence into your relationships, as well. However, Venus’ square to Chiron in Pisces in the sixth house of work, sickness, and service, reiterates the idea that you are working through a deeper level of healing in your relationships to start the month.

On February 3rd, your ruling planet, Venus, will enter your fourth house of home and family and bring with her the desire for greater love, balance, maturity, and wisdom into the domestic sphere of your life. You might be in the process of confronting issues of family of origin, current family dynamics, or updates to your actual dwelling space. In some way investigating your psychological roots is another significant possibility during this monthly cycle.

On February 4th, the New Moon in Aquarius will then plant its seeds in the fifth house of self-expression, children, and joy, highlighting the importance of personal peace and creativity in the month ahead. Because Neptune in your sixth house, and also Saturn in your fourth house of home and family are closely aspected by this New Moon, you are more focused than ever on familial issues and inner work, while bringing a sense of spiritual mission to these areas.

Between February 12th and 13th Mars will conjoin Uranus in Aries in your seventh house of relationships bringing a moment of breakthrough, clarity, and decisiveness into your most intimate relationships. Then on February 14th, Mars will move into Taurus and enter your eighth house of death and rebirth and other people’s resources, where it will slowly apply transformational pressure, especially around those areas of your life where you are most stubbornly resisting the changes you know you need to make!

On February 18th and 19th, Venus in Capricorn will then conjoin Saturn in Capricorn in your fourth house of home and family, bringing themes of commitment and love, wisdom and beauty, experience and finality. On February 18th, as well, Chiron will enter the sign of Aries and move into your seventh house of relationships, where it will stay for the better part of the next decade, emphasizing a very long profound learning process regarding your personal relationships. You may be visiting themes of independence, anger, aggression, and courage in your relationships through a series of very deep healing experiences that last into the late 2020’s. The wisdom you gain during the upcoming years may also be shared with others along the way.

On February 19th, the Full Moon illuminates your twelfth house of dissolution and surrender, suggesting that you are finally ready to release or let go of things that you have been holding onto, or you may be going through a temporary liminal space as you are in the process of letting go of something. With Mercury in Pisces conjoining Neptune at the time of the Full Moon, it’s important that you be honest with yourself and as discerning as possible with the choices you are making. The potential to receive an almost otherworldly level of insight is possible right now, but so too is the potential for delusion and fantasy to override your better reasoning.

On February 22nd, your ruling planet, Venus, in the sign of Capricorn, corresponding to your fourth house, will conjoin Pluto in Capricorn in your fourth house of home and family, presenting another powerful moment of catharsis at home and in your relationships. With Venus then moving a few days later into a square with Uranus to close the month, you are working to establish a secure foundation both at home and in relationships, but in order to do so you may have to challenge the established order and assert your own needs.

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