Leo Horoscope for August 2024

Leo Horoscope for August 2024

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another rather strange month for you, Leo. You come into it from a time of delving rather deeply into your own internal process, and with the August 4th New Moon in your sign, you are feeling the energy of a brand-new fresh start in matters of basic identity – who you are and where headed in this new stage. from the recent late Capricorn Full Moon, Mercury in your sign squared Trickster Uranus which has been throwing a few monkey wrenches into things. Then, too, the retrograde of Mercury on the 4th in concert with this big New Moon begins in your sector of resources and values, heading back into your sign on the 14th. All these first two weeks of August you might be feeling a fluctuation in your finances, and as well within your deepest principles. You are perhaps even questioning your relationship to the material world itself. Partnership in your life is also an important factor in figuring out where you ultimately stand in terms of career and potential pathway forward. The Full Moon of August 19th is key in this regard, and for the issue, as well, of trusting your own internal intuition, as much as you possibly can, in all of these matters.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

You start your month in the aftermath of the heart of the Cancer cycle from July, which lit up your sector of unconscious process. The Full Moon in late Capricorn of the 21st, conjunct Pluto in Aquarius, your opposite sign, brought to front and center consideration the key partnerships in your life, along with the ongoing transformation of your relationship dynamic.

On August 4th, the New Moon lands in your sign, and these themes find their continuation. Your Leo sign being energized by this New Moon signals a revitalizing and dynamic period that is however somewhat broken up by the simultaneous retrograde of Mercury. This rush of energy is supported by Mars and Jupiter in Gemini, your social sector, making this moment especially good for networking, connecting with others, and seeking opportunities for long-term growth.

On the 4th also, Mercury begins its retrograde in Virgo implying an introspective period of time when values are reviewed and perhaps adjusted, and when even with all that positive energy, you might have to use discrimination before jumping blindly into what calls you. You benefit from taking time to evaluate your true heart’s desires with important decisions in the coming weeks; giving yourself permission to change your mind could alleviate some of the pressure so that you can go slow rather than get anything figured out very quickly.

On August 12th, the First Quarter Moon in Scorpio brings a sense of conflicting energies to your planning, with domestic issues of familial dynamics or your dwelling space possibly getting in the way of your own individual desires.

From the 13th to the 15th Mars and Jupiter come to their conjunction in your social sector, and simultaneously square Saturn in Pisces lasting to the 16th, and the 19th for Jupiter. The is a case of push and pull, or go and stop, with excitement in the offing and yet a dampening of that too, perhaps indicating a conflict between groups you favor versus in-dwelling into your private spaces or intimacy with a close partner.

The 18th sees a Mercury Cazimi in your sign, in the afternoon, which is a peak moment of the retrograde, and therefore backward-looking to some extent, yet which could also open you to new insights and renewed confidence.

On August 19th, with the Full Moon taking place in your opposite sign of Aquarius, partnerships and collaborations could come under the spotlight emphasizing relational dynamics and agreements you have with others. The more you try to do everything on your own, the more tense this period could feel, so that compromise is favored. Jupiter squares Saturn precisely, from your social sector to your depth sector of intimacy and personal evolution which could indicate relational conflicts and yet in another way, greater partnership commitment.

In this Full Moon configuration as well, Venus in Virgo forms an opposition with Saturn in Pisces while Jupiter and Mars in Gemini squares both. This may highlight current tension surrounding your need for autonomy versus your reliance on others. There may not be an easy solution and you may have to find the middle ground or clearly define the terms of your agreements with someone and what you are willing to do at this time to get what you want.

The later part of August could bring traction and you should start to feel gradually clearer about your desires and where things are heading. The Sun entering Virgo on the 22nd will continue to highlight autonomy vs dependency, personal vs collective values and resources or support available.

Mercury turning direct in Leo on the 28th means that things could start moving forward, slowly, over the next two weeks of the post-retrograde shadow.

On the 29th, Venus enters Libra, corresponding to your communications sector, and this could soften your voice considerably – thus allowing you to attract what you want with charm and honey as opposed to one-sided coercion, if you are ready to give that a try.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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