Gemini Horoscope for October 2024

Gemini Horoscope for October 2024

Posted on in Gemini |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an October month appealing to your creativity, Gemini, and coming as a capstone to the recent few weeks of the Mercury Retrograde recovery through Virgo and its aftermath. There has been an emphasis for you on serious career commitment, continuing into the present month. The October 2nd New Moon and solar eclipse in Libra features a triple conjunction between Mercury and the eclipse degree, denoting that your creative self-expression is greatly emphasized and in a way that you feel like doing something active with that. You are also feeling both the joys and as well the drawbacks of intense societal interaction. Early childhood wounding could be an issue, there. You also might come to regard renewed possibilities for social recognition as an appropriate result from your extensive projects, as you push these out into the world around you. Your sense of inner purpose is connected to what you have on offer in this way. The Aries Full Moon of October 17th serves to greatly enhance these feelings and to put the focus on your goals and as well your friendships and the groups you favor along the way toward their realization. Your worldview is in transformation and an important part of yourself along with it.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month begins astrologically for you on October 2nd with an important Libra New Moon configuration, which is also a solar eclipse, bringing a significant focus to the part of your chart that relates to self-expression, creativity, romance, joy, and children. The eclipse degree is conjoined to your ruler, Mercury, indicating a turning point, and receives a square from Mars in Cancer which may emphasize ongoing tension concerning your available resources versus what you would really like to concentrate on in your life. There may be a need this month to reassess your budget and how much you spend on things. Additionally, a grand trine between Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Cancer, and Saturn in Pisces, corresponding to your career sector – embedded in the aspect patterning of this potent New Moon – practically guarantees that you will be attempting this month to find a better fit between career initiatives and limitations versus shifting habitual behavior patterns and your own individual values.

Jupiter transiting in your sign of Gemini in recent weeks implies that your current outlook encompasses a much broader framework than everyday affairs while also opening you up to unexpected opportunities. You have likely had an unflagging optimism that has taken you far. Jupiter in your sign could also mean that you are able to take on a lot more than you thought yourself capable of, especially creatively and professionally. October may bring a need to reassess your time and energy investments in light of new professional roles, directions or opportunities while also keeping in mind that you probably cannot afford to work forever for free even if it seems like a good idea for your overall direction.

Jupiter turns retrograde in Gemini on the 9th trine Mercury, your ruler, and in close sextile to Chiron which may bring a need to adjust to the professional upgrades or challenges that are knocking at your door. There could be a factor of looking inward at this time to reassess. Jupiter will be retrograde until the beginning of February.

On the 10th, the First Quarter Moon in Capricorn features an opposition from Mercury to Eris, Feminine Warrior in support of soul intention, so that this could be a telling lunation configuration for you. Possibly your goals and visions for the future might be calling out to you in an unusually powerful way, as you try for resolution of potential conflicts in your approach with overt enthusiasm somewhat offset by your emotional needs or partnership considerations.

Then, the Full Moon in Aries on October 17th takes place in the part of your chart that relates to your community and your place within it, along with your visions and your goals. This Full Moon represents an important culmination of the previous week’s issues. Your passion for your intended work is shining brightly, and you may even receive some form of societal acknowledgement for it. Your values come into this in a big way, along with the acknowledgement that our own personal principles are the ones that really count.

By October 22nd, the Sun leaves the conceptual sign of Libra for the more intense Water sign of Scorpio which may translate to a need for more discipline and focus in order to put the final touches on an ongoing project. Give yourself permission to miss out on things that do not matter in order to focus on the essentials.

On the 30th, Mercury in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus, and you might need more alone time to think things through and troubleshoot your schedule or workflow during the last days of the month. Your intuition is powerful now, and it tells you true concerning ideas that might not have fully entered your consciousness until this moment. It might be that the more space you create for yourself away from the collective chatter of social media and the news, the more truly productive you could be.

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