Gemini Horoscope for January 2024

Gemini Horoscope for January 2024

Posted on in Gemini |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an exciting month, Gemini, for inner exploration and finding your pathway forward in a way that is more consistent with all that you hold inside. Partners in your life come into this in a big way as well, due to the recent New Moon in your opposite sign. There is an unprecedented amount of introspection available to you with Mercury, your ruler, still in retrograde at the very beginning of the month, plus strong alignments of Jupiter and Uranus located in your sector of unconscious process. The more aware you are of unconscious contents, that vast storehouse of personality traits that affect your every action from below, as it were, the more prepared you are to understand yourself and your interactions with others. The January 11th Capricorn New Moon is also telling. Intimacy issues that could arise at this time and a week later on the 17thand 18th, can also be pointers for you to your deeper principles and values, along with and shifting beliefs and worldview. All in all, this is a month for great progress with all your issues, and with finding your way forward consistent with the design that your Higher Self, all along, has had in mind for you.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Your ruling planet Mercury turns direct in the sign of Sagittarius on New Year’s day in the sector of your chart that emphasizes partnerships and relational dynamics. This dramatic realignment takes place in the context, as well, of the ten-day completion of the Sagittarius lunation cycle, from the first to the tenth, that began with the Sagittarius New Moon from mid-December, just as Mercury began its retrograde period. This cycle continues to emphasize important relationships and the negotiations taking place within them. As you continue to reexamine the key relationships in your life, as indicated by Mercury moving backward through this arc of your solar chart, you are also benefiting from a high level of intuitional information flooding in, to the extent that you can remain open to this info. This is due to the highlighted presence of Uranus in the recent New Moon, located in your sector of unconscious process.

On the 1st, Venus, having recently entered Sagittarius, forms a square with Saturn in Pisces. There may have been more prominent themes around the support and care needed and this may continue to play out this month. You may feel a certain amount of pressure coming from your career or aspirations and others could play an important role in helping you organize your headspace if you are able to ask for the support you need.

Mars enters Capricorn on the 4th and may bring a focus on the agreements you have in your personal relationships along with the business ones in the coming weeks. There is a lot of relational energy in January but it may be more about what is happening behind the scenes than external results this month.

On January 11th, the Capricorn New Moon arrives, signaling the beginning of a cycle that relates to your sense of loyalty and more extensively your intimate and business partnerships. Folks who can help you move ahead could feature more prominently during this cycle however your personal sense of agency and creative freedom could seem more restrained than usual. You may feel a strong desire to change the status quo but a seriousness could permeate this period especially at work and you may be more inclined to think about your long term goals.

Mercury enters Capricorn on the 13th and forms a supportive aspect with Saturn in Pisces or your career sector from the 17th to the 18th and with Jupiter in Taurus until the 19th. Anxieties about the future could be remediated by planning and taking constructive steps towards what you want even if it's just planning. Sometimes it is more productive to slow down than try to do everything efficiently. You may notice that a lot of the responsibilities you take on could be simplified in some ways. Sorting out the useful from the superfluous at this time could help bring a sense of calm and that everything is moving in the right direction.

The Sun and Pluto form a conjunction in the final degree of Capricorn on the 20th continuing into Aquarius as they both enter this sign, corresponding to your sector of higher mind, only a few hours apart. In many ways, this 2024 year signals the beginning of a new era for you in terms of beliefs and worldview as Pluto’s transit in Aquarius signals a 20 year period of profound changes related to Aquarians themes. Lucky for you, this Air sign forms a supportive aspect with the sign of Gemini meaning that Pluto’s transit in Aquarius should be progressive especially in your intellectual and philosophical frameworks.

The Leo Full Moon arrives on January 25th, culminating in your chart sector that relates to communication, writing and the sharing of ideas. You may reach the completion of a written project at this time or it could be that you find yourself re-evaluating the ways in which you communicate with your entourage. Social media and the internet could be on your mind and it may be that you are re-evaluating the ways in which you utilize and process information. Jupiter in Taurus forms a square with the Full Moon while Pluto newly in Aquarius conjuncts the Sun in an opposition to it. Both Jupiter and Pluto can relate to wealth both tangible and intangible, so that their configuration to this Full Moon could bring new ideas, changes, and illuminate hidden matters coming to the surface around teaching and writing.

The end of January sees many aspects that could find you working on logistics, finalizing projects and planning your next move. Your intuition is powerful now and gives you an important heads up, if you are paying attention, on where you are really at emotionally. Mercury, your ruler, forms a conjunction with Mars in Capricorn starting on the 26th, and both come into a trine with Uranus in Taurus as it stations direct on the 27th. Your desire for progress could be felt at this time and it is a good moment to acknowledge what feels stagnant so that you can start working towards liberating yourself from responsibilities or situations that are functionally expired. Innovative solutions are at hand and yet you also could have to step a little outside of your comfort zone to see things moving in the direction that you want.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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