Posted on January 31, 2024 in Gemini
By Henry Seltzer and Alea Balzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This is an interesting month of further finding yourself, Gemini, in the midst of change both personal and collective. You are drawn to depth within yourself and the intuitional information that comes from consulting what is within you and is beyond words or logic to adequately describe, and that might be urging you to seek your highest calling, your most authentic self, in all that you do. The Aquarius New Moon of February 9th represents an exciting juncture, especially if you have a thirst for more complete understanding of yourself and your world, or perhaps for travel explorations. You are transforming your sense of what this search entails. There is a deep-seated ideal of moral mission that you are attempting to integrate with your practical sense of what is possible in terms of career and profession, and that develops further and more poignantly as the month continues to unfold. Its fourth and final weekend sees you coming to a fulfillment regarding the tug of war the exists for you between public and private life factors.
The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at
The influence of your sphere of personal metamorphosis, intimacy, and shared assets is stamped on the first eight days of February as the Capricorn lunar cycle wanes. This cycle, stemming from mid-January, also engaged your professional and subconscious sectors, uniting the areas of your chart relating to longer processes of growth, change, and maturation. This connection between inner and outer, between internal expansion and professional world objectives, offers support this month, grounded by a sextile between Saturn in Pisces and Jupiter in Taurus that remains in aspect throughout most of February.
On the 4th, the entrance of your ruling planet, Mercury, into Aquarius and conjunction with Pluto, exact the following day, highlights the regenerative necessity of expanding (or exploding) your horizons and interrogating the lens through which you perceive the world. Active between the 4th and the 5th, Mercury’s first meeting with Pluto in Aquarius points to the power of your words and attention, including what you choose to focus on and how that affects the quality of your experience.
This transition occurs simultaneously with the activation of Chiron in Aries via a square from Venus in Capricorn. Thus, vulnerabilities around belonging, friendship, and independence may also be in the mix, including anxieties that communicating your values or needs may compromise relationships or ostracize you from a group. A concurrent sextile from the Sun offers that vital force of conscious awareness where you might bring past hurts into the light and reorient your relationship to them.
On the 9th, the Aquarius New Moon initiates a cycle in your sphere of spiritual, philosophical, or purely intellectual exploration as well as travel to foreign lands. Occurring in a tight square to Uranus in Taurus, the influence of your sector of shadows and spirituality is reinforced by another square from Mercury to Jupiter in Taurus. While you are adaptable and skilled in self-analysis, with fixed signs ruling the cadent houses in your solar chart, certain structures of thought and behavior remain steadfast. If you feel stuck repeating patterns that feel undermining, the astrology surrounding this lunation suggests you can reprogram your operating system. This cycle may give you a sign that change is underway. It also comes with a call to rest – grounding into your body will support your nervous system and prevent mental burnout.
On the 12th, Mars moves into Aquarius, conjoining Pluto. Mars with Pluto can be explosive as they can put you in touch with forces beyond your ego and suppressed but strong feelings. While ideological power struggles could tempt you, particularly between the 12th and the 16th, you might also recognize overattachment to your personal philosophy to be a diversion. To accept things as they are in this moment, beyond believing in anything; to have the courage to let something go, or to change your mind, this will set you off on new adventures.
From the 16th to the 18th, Mercury’s square to Uranus suggests this kind of release may free you up to share an unconventional perspective that your metaphysical or intellectual explorations equip you with. The influence of Venus’ conjunction with Pluto over the same period further indicates it may be time to align your actions with your ethics or desires. Be it passion or loathing, the extremities of your relationship with the world may emerge at this time and reveal something very honest regarding your beliefs about love or your values. If your motivations extend beyond the thrill of being a chaos agent, expressing your ideas or standing for something you believe in may resonate with a larger audience—particularly as the Sun enters Pisces on the 18th, announcing an emerging focus on your public image and vocation over the next month.
The Lunar North Node in Aries is in conjunction with Chiron, active from the 12th until the 24th, and this might then additionally beg the question, can you be ok with resonating with some persons and not others? Moving into the future may require you to reorient your attachment to those vulnerabilities around standing out from the crowd, groups or individuals that you favor, or basic self-reliance.
The conjunction between Venus and Mars in Aquarius that perfects on the 21st energizes the second to last week of February. Events or insights earlier in the month may now give way to more authentic understanding with others or internally. This is a positive time for relationships of all kind – perhaps you might experience the joyful connection of a philosophical conversation or meet someone you find attractive. Generative financial, creative, or collaborative opportunities may also emerge.
Mercury enters Pisces on the 22nd, where it rules the Full Moon in Virgo taking place on the 24th and activating your home life and your vocational sphere. This lunation illustrates the significance of your domicile, family, and foundational structures within the current lunar cycle. Be it spiritual growth, study, or work you do at home, squares from Mars and Venus to Jupiter in Taurus suggest private activities now call for action in the wider world. Taking time out to connect to the earth and cultivate presence with yourself and your kin will support outward growth.
Your career and reputation are the focus in the final days of the month due to the cazimi in the heart of the Sun of both Mercury and Saturn in Pisces on the morning of the 28th. Their combined energy indicates that your ambitions can be materialized should you embody that solar confidence to express and commit to them. Clarity of purpose may attract the support of authorities or allies in your field. You leave the month under applying sextiles from Mercury and the Sun to Jupiter. The planet of expansion and abundance spends its final five months in Taurus this year, until the end of May. It could be true that you are starting to experience your own personal evolutionary appreciation for the area of your chart relating to night-time dreams and unconscious process, where things are often less tangible.
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