Gemini Horoscope for May 2021

Gemini Horoscope for May 2021

Posted on in Gemini |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an exciting month for you, Gemini, right from the get-go. You are coming out of an illuminating month of April with an unsettled sense of big plans forming below the surface, an emotional commitment that runs ahead of a more concretely thoughtful one. Your outer world expression requires some fluffing, and this could eventually involve life partners of one kind or another. Although the future is still a bit fuzzy and unclear, you do well to trust inner intuition as a powerful truth teller that might even exceed the powers of your logical thinking mind. The Last Quarter Moon of May 3rd, when Mercury also enters your sign, could bring hidden inner conflicts to a head. There is a tug of war going on within you, with your understandable caution to leave past behaviors and beliefs behind, and with yet an overwhelming pull toward novel ideas and modes of action that seek to transcend the past. Old worldviews yield to the tide of a more heartfelt future, but slowly, slowly.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The New Moon in Aries that took place in mid-April might have brought fun networking opportunities to connect with your tribe and find your place in a community of like-minded people. You are on a mission these days to improve things around you as much as you improve your own situation; a little of both could be coming around. Social connections continue to bring opportunities to you the first part of this month as well, especially with Mars in Cancer currently transiting in the financial sector of your chart. You may also be healing parts of yourself that do not feel deserving or genuinely connected with others and this period of time could be quite therapeutic.

The Sun will be transiting in Taurus, corresponding to your soul-sector, until the 20th of May and this is your opportunity to take stock of the last year before the Sun returns to your sign in a few weeks. This period is great for insights into yourself, especially if you create some time for contemplation. Members of your sign are not known for their ability to sit still however, so that this may pose a challenge for you. As the most curious sign of the zodiac, you may currently be very busy behind the scenes, learning, teaching, and scheming your next big move. If you can make room for relaxation, your mind will thank you.

Mercury enters Gemini on the 3rd which will work in your favor especially in the first half of the month. Mercury is a planet often linked to thinking and communicating and is considered at home in the sign of Gemini. This means that for the next few weeks you may be able to get your message across more clearly. You may also be able to clarify what you want. Mercury will turn retrograde at the end of May so if you have any important deadlines or contracts to sign you may want to do that while Mercury is moving direct. Venus follows Mercury and enters Gemini on the 8th of May, which again, is an excellent thing for you. Venus in your sign could make you cleverer, and more diplomatic, something which is not always possible for you. It might be easier to put yourself out there or convince someone of your point of view at this time.

On the 11th of May the Taurus New Moon takes place in the part of your chart that deals with your unconscious and the parts of yourself that crave a peaceful, slow, and grounded life. There may be opportunities for greater embodiment that comes from your willingness to get at the roots of your insecurities. This signals the beginning of a new cycle connected to your personal support system which is yourself. Dealing with invisible stressors and your need for more calm in your life are only a few of the ways in which you can acknowledge this New Moon. With Neptune in Pisces being highlighted now, you are also feeling your focus shift somewhat to your career and professional life. You might need to practice quieting yourself and paying attention to what your body and your spirit are asking from you at this time.

One of the most exciting pieces of news this month is that Jupiter also enters the sign of Pisces for 10 weeks beginning on the 13th, which for you again corresponds to your vocational sector. Jupiter is associated with expansion, opportunities, and a positive outlook. Jupiter may bring any of these things to your career while transiting in Pisces and you may already be feeling a broadening in terms of what's possible in your career or vocational pursuits. Jupiter will leave Pisces on the 28th of July before returning to Pisces at the end of 2021. The next 10 weeks may bring new career opportunities or at least the ability to envision something bigger for yourself.

The Sun enters Gemini on the 20th which signals the beginning of a busier time. Things could be shifting fast by the third week of May especially in connection with your goals. The Sun in Gemini squares Jupiter in Pisces on the 21st could bring positive developments but you may also have a tendency to take on more than you can handle. It may be wise to be carefully selective during this time and clearly define your intentions.

On the 26th, the First Lunar Eclipse of the year takes place in your opposite sign of Sagittarius, creating a focus on relationships and perhaps highlighting a situation that began towards the end of last year. Symbolically, with a lunar eclipse, you can imagine that something is both culminating or also perhaps being eclipsed as having outlived its purpose. This is not something to fear or worry about as it will most likely happen quite organically. Because this eclipse takes place in your partnership sector, it may bring up a relationship dynamic that you’ve been wrestling with. If someone is not meeting your needs it may become obvious around the time of this event. On the other hand, it could also be a time of integration and renewal in connection to the important partnerships in your life.

The end of May contains a few twists in the plots. Mercury turns retrograde, in your sign, on the 29th while squaring Neptune in Pisces, bringing some confusing factors to contend with that could have to do with your work in the outer world as well as with your own sense of identity. Mercury will be retrograde for the next three weeks and there is also another two weeks of the retrograde shadow that could remain a bit dicey. There may be weird twists of events or bizarre circumstances to deal with, or more questions than answers, before things starts to make sense again. It could be harder to know what's real and what's not, especially at the very end of the month with this station just taking place. If something seems too good to be true, make sure to keep your intuition sharpened before jumping all in. Clarifications will eventually come although perhaps not until early July.

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