Gemini Horoscope for April 2021

Gemini Horoscope for April 2021

Posted on in Gemini |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a rather amazing month for you, Gemini, with contrasts between outer world presence and interior experience. You are meditating on many things as the month begins, coming at the world with great focus, but with also this subliminal feeling that the hidden places within you have the definite tendency to influence the surface layers, and are vital in this regard. Inner wounding could come up for you, and if so, the useful trick is to recognize that everything that takes place in your life happens for a reason, which in this case involves healing. The New Moon of the second weekend of the month is vitalizing, and brings along with it a determination to see through your higher intentions for yourself, including all the facets of your ongoing and dramatic personal evolution. You feel relief when you allow yourself to act on these interior impulses. An uneasy mix of energies fuels you during the weeks that follow the New Moon; as your creativity continues to morph and grow, inner exploration provides powerful intuitive truth to bear upon your situation.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month of April begins with the Sun and Venus transiting in Aries highlighting your social sector for the next few weeks. There may be increased opportunities to socialize or connect with like-minded people. It's a good time to show off your skills and contribute to your community. Mars is still transiting in Gemini until the 23rd of April, which means you may have more ambition than usual. It's a good time to tackle difficult tasks as Mars endows your sign with the ability to handle many things at once. Your drive to succeed could be at an all-time high especially once Mercury enters Aries on the late evening of the 3rd. If you felt a lack of clarity or some confusion at work, things should start to make sense moving into the first weekend of April. Mercury in Aries and Mars in Gemini are in mutual reception until the 19th of April, which simply means they are transiting in each other’s signs. A mutual reception between two planets means they offer special assistance to one another. You may find yourself doing more and talking more especially in the first half of the month. Your quick-witted and clever disposition could get you exactly what you want and you could have an easier time convincing people of your point of view. Your sharp tongue and your ability to get things done could help you progress faster than usual so it's a good time to go after what you want.

You may, however, have to get over some feelings of insecurity around the 8th and 9th, when Mercury conjoins Chiron in Aries. A sense of inadequacy could come up in connection with your need to be accepted versus your need to defend a perspective. You may feel like you have to tame your opinions in order to get along with others or that some people are unable to understand where you’re coming from. Mars in Gemini squares Neptune on the 8th through the 10th, and this could bring an idealistic attitude regarding career, or perhaps also bring up some confusion at work, or mixed messages. This aspect could also promote deception, suspicion, or gossip, and you may have to make an extra effort to stay away from drama and stand your ground. You may also have to play the role of a mediator within a group to help resolve an issue.

The New Moon in Aries on the 11th represents a potent reset to your social sector and brings tons of new energy in. A New Moon is a time of inception, when a new cycle begins. This one may have something to do with your place in your community and the role you want to play. Mars in Gemini is in sextile to the New Moon, which can help to clarify your goals, giving you a greater sense of agency. It’s a good time to set your intentions around your ambitions as there is currently a lot of momentum in that part of your life.

The pace changes in the second half of April, starting with Venus entering Taurus on the 14th. You may start to feel a need to slow down and attend to your personal needs but you could have to tie up loose ends towards the third weekend of April before you can take a break. The 17th and 18th of April could be quite busy, and you might have to prioritize what needs to get done first. Keep in mind that you may also not be able to get everything accomplished as your attention gets pulled in many directions. Mercury meets the Sun in Aries for its superior conjunction on the 18th. This aspect usually offers clarity, insights, or solutions. If you’ve been wrestling with a difficult choice, you may be able to make a final decision around the third weekend of April.

Mercury and the Sun both enter the sign of Taurus on the 19th signaling the beginning of the Fixed Earth season. It may be a good time to attend to your personal needs and deal with any residual stress that has been building up. Finding ways to unwind and relax may be called for, and it's also a good time to turn off your phone if you have the luxury to do so. Give yourself permission to do what you love without letting your need to be productive take over. Taurus season is your opportunity to charge your batteries before the Sun enters Gemini a month from now.

The Full Moon in Scorpio culminates on the late evening of the 26th, shedding light on the needs and requirements of your body and more extensively bringing an emphasis on your habits. You may be able to pinpoint exactly what is important to you at this time and identify habits or stressors you are ready to let go of. Overall, the end of the month may be the perfect time for a thorough Spring cleaning, both physical and mental!

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