Gemini Horoscope for April 2018

Gemini Horoscope for April 2018

Posted on in Gemini |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of embracing the further stages of your life plan, Gemini, as you contemplate necessary course corrections and steer your pathway closer to where your heart wants you go. Your ruler, Mercury, is retrograding through your eleventh house of friendship, goals and societal engagement; all through this month you are reflecting deeply on these factors, and attempting to revise your understanding and consequent actions there. Mercury goes back to forward motion synchronously with the powerful Aries New Moon of April 15th, and you can expect a sudden shift in your thoughts concerning where you might be heading. You are imagining a useful role for yourself in helping to further what have become your own special causes, and perhaps a budding collaboration with like-minded partners. Your mission is evolving in concert with the way that you are changing at the core, a fact not to dodge, but to simply accept and to celebrate.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

April begins just after a Full Moon in Libra in your fifth house, a Full Moon that highlighted the tension between your long-term dreams and aspirations and your immediate need for creative freedom, happiness, and fun. You are likely trying to find just the right balance between pursuing your noblest or loftiest goals and trying to have fun or enjoy the process in the meantime.

On April 1st and 2nd, Mars and Saturn will come together in Capricorn within your eighth house of transformation, death, fear, and passive income. While you are intently charting your course for the future you might be contending with your fear of the future or with forces that are beyond your control. Mars and Saturn in Capricorn also bring a reformative energy into the mix right now. As a Gemini you are prone to dodging or ducking out of entrapping situations quite easily, but if there is a lesson to be learned, then now is the time to accept responsibility and move forward again with integrity.

Between April 7th and April 11th Venus in Taurus in your twelfth house of self-undoing and isolation will make trines to both Saturn and Mars in your eighth house. It could be very easy to indulge in a romantic fantasy right now but be careful because it might bring with it unintended consequences that you are dealing with for some time to come. Be careful of over-indulgence or extreme restrictiveness, and don’t be surprised if people are confiding in you over deep and difficult subject matters. The things you are hearing from others at this time may instruct or guide you in answering some of your own difficult questions, so be sure to pay attention!

Late in the evening of April 10th and into April 11th the Sun in Aries in your eleventh house of friends, groups, allies and wishes for the future, will make a square to Pluto in your eighth house. Are you associating with the right people? Are you spending time with people who elevate your consciousness or who encourage you to utilize your abilities for the highest purpose? As a Gemini you are a gifted communicator and a natural friend to all, but you can also be easily distracted and thrown off course. It’s a good time to re-clarify your goals, face fears, let go of things that are holding you back, accept your fate, and clean house of any friends or groups who don’t support your spiritual path.

Between April 16th and 17th, Venus in Taurus in your twelfth house will oppose Jupiter in Scorpio in your sixth house of health issues, hard work, and service. It’s an especially good time to evaluate, purge, cleanse, and heal any area of your life where you are overindulging or making yourself sick due to a lack of discrimination or moderation. At the same time, you may find that you are naturally inclined, and even overjoyed, to serve, help, or heal others right now. You may also find companionship during some personal struggles, or you may find that you are working hard to recover your faith and start a new chapter of health or healing after a period of doubt or spiritual neglect.

April 15th to 18th the Sun in Aries will conjoin with the rebellious and unpredictable Uranus in Aries in your eleventh house, exact just days after a New Moon in your eleventh house on April 15th. Again, we see the emphasis on your friendships or the groups you belong to, as well as your long-term dreams and goals. Who we associate with, in large part, shapes the success or failure of our dreams. Maybe it’s time to take a risk, or to shake things up. Don’t be surprised if new people arrive alongside of new ambitions.

Finally, on April 26th, Mars will conjoin with Pluto in Capricorn in your eighth house. The eighth house is often feared specifically because it refers to what we don’t know, what the future holds that we can’t control, and the inevitably of death and rebirth. Mars and Pluto coming together in this house represents catharsis and confrontation. For a Gemini there is perhaps nothing worse than the sense of being locked into something without any second, third, or fourth options available, and yet you should not forget that your patron deity, Hermes, was the only god capable of moving in and out of the underworld unscathed. Your survival skills are second to none, so don’t worry. And remember to stay curious about what’s happening rather than getting fatalistic around this time.


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