Gemini Horoscope for May 2018

Gemini Horoscope for May 2018

Posted on in Gemini |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You are entering into a vital month, Gemini, slowly emerging from the tunnel of introspection represented by the recent and quite powerful retrograde period of your ruler, Mercury, and you have therefore been redefining yourself, especially in the way that you see your future plans developing. Your mission statement for this lifetime has been on your mind, and in your deepest feelings. As this current month unfolds, your practice involves a large component of unconscious process, of which you might only get a glimmer – through dreams and intuition – and yet these subtle currents of energy streaming through the deeper layers of your psyche hold the key to your entire prospective evolution. It is by taking what your higher Self knows to be the truth that you can more profoundly inform the logical workings of your more conscious understanding, and it is only by combining your head and your heart that you can satisfactorily forge a new pathway forward.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

Two major transits are affecting everybody this month. The first is the entrance of Uranus into Taurus, and the second is last month’s entrance of Chiron into Aries (April 17th). For those born with the Sun in Gemini, Uranus will be entering your twelfth house and Chiron has just entered your eleventh house. Let’s look at these two transits in depth.

First, let’s explore the recent entrance of Chiron, the “Wounded Healer,” into your eleventh house. Planets in the eleventh house are being brought toward the summit of the sky (the 10th house and mid-heaven) by the primary motion, but they haven’t yet arrived there. For this reason, ancient astrologers associated the eleventh house with hopes, wishes, and dreams for the future, with friends, allies, benefactors, networking, and groups of people who might share the same or similar long-term goals or dreams, and with people or influences we associate with that, over time, shape and mold our greatest achievements or challenges. Since May of 2010, the planet Uranus has been transiting through your eleventh house, stimulating a long period of rebellion, discovery, disruption, and innovation. Over the past eight years you may have explored a variety of long-term dreams and goals, associated or collaborated with a variety of different people on a variety of different, exciting projects. Your ambitions have changed dramatically, at times suddenly, repeatedly, or your friendships or relationships to groups of people have transformed as you’ve followed a restless spirit from one place or ambition to the next.

The energy of Aries is naturally compatible for Geminis because fire and air go together nicely. However, whereas the energy of Aries is quite direct and willful, the energy of Gemini is comparatively more changeable, impressionable, and adaptable. With Uranus in your eleventh house these past eight years, you may have followed people or friends, projects or ambitions, from one exciting adventure to the next, but perhaps nothing has lasted, or nothing has turned out exactly as you expected. Such is life! Now, as Uranus is leaving our eleventh house and Chiron is entering it, things are shifting in a very different direction. Chiron is related to our wounds and to the wisdom and learning we do in relation to our wounds. Chiron entering your eleventh house brings a more stable energy into your house of dreams and goals, perhaps accompanied by more stable friendships, group associations, mentors or allies, healing, and studying or learning with others. Don’t be surprised if you have some healing to do within your social life in the years to come (Chiron will be in Aries until 2026!), and don’t be surprised if you must reconsider your life dreams and ambitions again as you are working to heal old wounds.

Meanwhile, as Uranus leaves your eleventh house it enters Taurus and moves into your twelfth house this month (on May 15th). The twelfth house was traditionally associated with people living in exile, with wandering or confusion, with hospitals and prisons, and “self-undoing.” However, as Gandalf said, “All who wander are not lost.” The twelfth house is also one of the most spiritual houses of the chart because most of us grow, heal, and advance along the spiritual path specifically through our encounters with darkness, or through the mistakes or misadventures we create for ourselves. As Uranus enters your twelfth house you may be inspired to make sudden departures or changes to the status-quo. You might be tempted to look for new ways to make money or to exist materially. Be careful of the temptations to make big or dramatic changes that lack careful, grounded planning or foresight. Uranus moving into the twelfth house often signifies the approaching of a period where we do some unhealthy rebelling, and it can put us into a longer period of feeling dissociated from ourselves, isolated from others, or disconnected from a sense of authentic purpose. At the same time, the twelfth house was traditionally associated with labor and the labor pains of women in childbirth. With Uranus in your twelfth house for the next seven to eight years, you may also be about to enter a long period of birthing something quite creative. Be patient with the process. When Uranus enters your first house and home sign of Gemini, in 2025, the adventures (and misadventures) you take over these coming years will produce an incredibly powerful and personal series of results!

In addition to these major planetary ingresses, the same day Uranus moves into Taurus, on May 15th, there is also a New Moon in Taurus in your twelfth house, and the planet Mars will later that evening enter Aquarius, squaring Uranus into the 21st of the month. The New Moon adds to the entrance of Uranus into your twelfth house, emphasizing the very powerful twelfth house period described above. Mars entering your ninth house of religion, higher education, and long journeys, points to a distinctly religious, spiritual or academic dimension to your life that is appearing right now, perhaps involving foreign cultures or travel. These changes are directly correlated to and amplifying the transformative power of Uranus as it enters your twelfth house. It’s truly a dynamic month ahead, with the middle of the month highlighted as a particularly intuitive and key moment.

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