Gemini Horoscope for September 2015

Gemini Horoscope for September 2015

Posted on in Gemini |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You are coming to an interesting and somewhat paradoxical month, Gemini. While in many ways feeling the restrictions and constraints of the physical world, especially perhaps as expressed to you by the need to compromise with points of view other than your own, you are yet also filled with a sense of idealism that will not admit to any form of limitation in seizing upon what it is you most deeply desire. You are inspired and visionary in the way you see your future unfolding. Your communicative outreach has been a huge focus lately, with an introspective tinge, as evidenced by the way you come from such a very deep place in your recent utterances. This continues into the second half of the month as you enter into a meditative space that takes you even further to the inside and then back out again, deepening your creativity.

As the month begins, with Venus in retrograde through your communications sector, you are focused more internally than usual, filled with out-of-this-world forms of fantasy and dealing with the depth-oriented information-sharing style inspired and perhaps constrained by the astrological currents of the previous month. These were highlighted by the recent New Moon from the middle of August. There has been over this period an introspective cast to all that you say or write, with a productive flow of ideas regarding aesthetics as well as human relationship and its motivations. The Leo New Moon in this sector of communicative outreach was also inspirational from the standpoint of your more public persona and for tackling questions of emerging worldview. This potent lunation also symbolized epiphanies, utilizing a relatively fresh perspective, regarding where in the world you are actually heading, together with reaching out for a balance point to outer world activity in home and family concerns.

There is a mystery at the heart of your career choices now, due to the highlighted presence of nebulous Neptune at the top of your solar chart — corresponding to your sector of outer world responsibility and professional life — triggered by the very recent Full Moon there a few days before the beginning of September, in this same sector. You are only truly interested now in the path with heart. The strong presence of this numinous planetary archetype conveys a dose of spiritual mission to all your endeavors, even those of the most mundane variety. Bringing in the money is nice, of course, and necessary, but your actual work in the world must be involved with some higher goal in order to be worth doing. This exploration continues throughout the remainder of the month, because Jupiter begins to oppose Neptune in the mid-month timing of the Solar Eclipse of September 12th that kicks off the second half. If you are feeling inspired and perhaps a little crazy and confused, it is because the Neptunian archetype goes so far beyond the bounds of normal mundane existence, where you must also live and deal. It might therefore be necessary to hold at least these two antithetical ideas in your mind all at once, of spiritual oneness and mundane commitment.

In this second half of the month also, your ruler, Mercury, retrogrades through your sector of creative self-expression. You might find encounter difficulties in assessing what needs to be done, and in planning or in making connections, while things that you are currently dealing with could change coloration a month or more from now, after Mercury straightens out, around mid-October. You will also quite likely engage in further introspection about the underpinning of what your life seems to be all about. Partners come into this as well, in a big way, and function as mentors, or perhaps as grounding forces that hold you down from floating away entirely in a sea of idealism and starry-eyed ideation.

The Solar Eclipse of September 12th takes place in the opposite point of your chart, in your sector of home and family, symbolizing as well the psychological roots of your very being. In this second half of the month, you are very focused on private as well as public concerns, thinking most particularly about family dynamics, seeking the deeper meaning of how these relate to your own arc of inner development. You might be starting a new stage of pulling together certain aspects of your physical home environment. All of this is part of a large-scale ongoing transformation of who you think you are and how to actualize and articulate that spiritually-involving presence more fully into the world.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

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