Gemini Horoscope for August 2015

Gemini Horoscope for August 2015

Posted on in Gemini |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This represents another exciting month for you, Gemini, and presents an opportunity to follow through on a series of important changes over past months that have been gradually gaining greater acceptance. The transformational impact symbolized by a prominent Pluto is taking firmer root in the fertile ground of your unconscious process. The timing of this most recent blossoming begins with the New Moon of mid-July, and might continue in its greatest intensity through to the end of August and a little beyond. Uranus, and the new planet, Eris, in your sector of societal connection and future plans, also contribute to the startling vision that appears before you, when you half-close your eyes to truly see. You are making a stand for what you most deeply believe, by taking your deep interior process more fully into account and forging a new alignment of outer intention and inner realities.

As the month begins, you are working with the powerful force for change symbolized by Pluto, which seems to bubble up from deep inside you, almost unbidden. Pluto was quite prominent in the recent Cancer lunation that set the tone for the previous two weeks, and as well the first two weeks of the current month, being almost exactly opposed to the placement in that same timing of Mercury, your ruler. Major change in your life therefore remains a huge factor for you. Because Pluto is located in your sector of personal evolution and intimacy, you are likely to be in a further process of delving own below the surface of your consciousness to find what lies within the depths of your unconscious. The factor of intimacy connected to this solar sector reflects that when you thoroughly know yourself, you are better able to connect in a profound way with important others in your life. The recent July 31st Full Moon also makes a chime with this Pluto placement, indicating that whatever is going with you in these deeper levels of your being is still quite current as the month of August gets underway.

Much of your mental energy this month may also be directed towards realms of personal resource and finance. You might be asking deeper questions about money, value, and what prosperity really means and looks like to you in this lifetime. Money can be seen, in essence, as a form of energy, and its power is rooted in the collective agreement of its value. As you transform and grow, so too do your ideas and beliefs about this value and what creates worth. You may wish to ask yourself what beliefs you hold about material resource, and how those beliefs are reflected in your possessions. This is a beneficial time to identify anything that you feel needs to shift with regard to your concepts in general. As Alan Watts once remarked, "Only words and conventions can isolate us from the entirely undefinable something which is everything."

Because of the highlighted presence of Chiron, the Wounded Healer, located in a prominent position in your chart, in your sector of career and outer achievement, you could also discover that old issues of power and control are looming. If so, in this month of inner intensity, you might be able to find a new road to healing these issues. Perhaps along your way to maturity, fulfilling your deepest sense of purpose was somehow stymied, or perhaps there is fear holding you back from shining as brightly as you wish. You may also find yourself stepping into your power in a bigger way this month in terms of standing up for what you believe in, especially in support of the underdog. While you seek to make your unique voice a tool for betterment and evolution, this month is a good time to be in conversation inside yourself with any hurt places within you that may come to your attention, and to forge new beliefs around the ways in which you can contribute your own unique gifts and genius to the world.

The multi-faceted nature of your mental spheres is quite familiar to you, as are the many doors that swing open when approaching life's mysteries with a curious gaze. That curiosity is your ticket to creating better connections and relationships in the course of the month as well, while Venus is on her retrograde journey through your solar sector of intellect and communications. It may be time for you to re-consider and re-frame what it means to be in relationship, and the ways in which you tend to communicate. There could be feelings of restriction or being stifled as you ask yourself questions about your mechanism for close connection, but if you can harness the spirit of creating a new ideological foundation for yourself, so, too, do new avenues of relating arise from that platform. You might find the fullest possible alignment with the highest wisdom of your being. The arc of your process this month constitutes a rite of passage, in the sense that before you can really begin to feel a deeper sense of peace with yourself, of being at home in the present moment, it might require enduring a degree of discomfort. Optimally this represents a synergy of surrendering, in trust, to the great mystery that is to be found in the working of the cosmos, thus activating your power to be in the world in a self-consistent fashion.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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