Posted on June 22, 2012 in Gemini
By Henry Seltzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This is potentially a time of enormous shift for you, Gemini, and yet everything appears much the same on the surface. You are feeling into a mystical future for yourself, one emerging out of the experience of living in the physical world and yet transcending that day-to-day reality also, and taking this essentially spiritual approach as the only viable way forward. For the first part of this month your dreams might be the place where truth is revealed, and almost nowhere else in your life will this be true. All is confusion on the outside but revelatory in your inner world. After the eclipse of May 20th in your sign the plan changes and what is hidden and inner begins to come to the surface.
Extended Forecast
As the month begins, you are feeling the tide sweeping through your life represented by the powerful Taurus New Moon that took place on the 21st of the previous month in your sector of dream imagination and inner work. Neptune is also strongly emphasized now in your career sector, meaning that what interests you now in the way of professional vocation is only what corresponds to your highest soul-level purpose for yourself and for the world at large. There is a pull to explore your psychological roots and your home environment and to relate these back to your mystical inner experience rather than to strictly outer world events. After appearing on your radar sporadically over the last few months, a mandate has suddenly sprung up that calls for fundamental changes in the way you do things and in how you plan your future moves. A communicative portal is opening up inside you and allowing you to see more deeply into the architecture of the universe as a more general case of life in the physical plane. You win when you pay close attention to what is being conveyed to you in this way and at this time, and using it as a lever to transform your world. There are potent links between inner and outer experience that are available to you now, or just being forged. In this case what you are attempting to integrate is the life of the soul as well as of the personality. It is interesting to note that the inner does not by any means invalidate the outer, any more than the existence of mind invalidates the reality of having a body to house it.
With the Full Moon of Saturday, May 5th, you are coming to a more peaceful place within yourself as you deal with the inherent contradictions of this soul-work. You are getting serious about the fundamental thrust of this period of time for you, namely that you move into a new relation to your future based on a more fully-motivated integration of your inner world. Limitations that come to your attention at this point can also serve to strengthen your resolve to make your way forward with the greatest possible integrity. You might also discover, at this juncture, that your dreams are a rich source of the information regarding the agendas and the vast extent of this world. As Freud and Jung pioneered, your dreams are powerful indicators of what is happening for you beneath the surface layers of your awareness. They are potentially quite a bit more vivid to you these days, and point the way toward taking up your highest purpose for yourself as you spiral upward. The Last Quarter Moon of Saturday, May 12th, signals another very important time, when you might be called to question the validity of what you are up to. Now as earlier in this monthly cycle, you are strongly motivated to push through, and only a little daunted by your review process; or even by what seem to be barriers holding you back from your fullest self-expression. With the Solar Eclipse and New Moon in your sign taking place the following weekend, on Sunday, May 20th, you are participating in a huge coming-out party, with yourself as the star attraction. Venus is retrograde in your identity sector now as well, and this symbolizes a profound rethinking of your self-definition and of your on-going integration of inner realities with outer-world requirements and normative function. As your birthday approaches, you might become aware of what a fresh start this year could be for you. You are on the exciting mission of finding your footing in a changed environment that takes your inner world, and your deepest spiritual principles, more definitely into account.
With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.
Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.
All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!
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