Gemini Horoscope for April 2012

Gemini Horoscope for April 2012

Posted on in Gemini |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You are half out of your element, Gemini. This is a time of idealized vision and also of recognizing the strength of your profound intuition. What you wish for has a power to it now, so wish carefully. Philosophical approaches come naturally to you, but this latest big push arriving from deep inside is stronger and more flexible than any prior conception. You are in a process of rethinking everything that has gone before, and revisiting your take on group affiliations and friendships that have led you to your current state of awareness. Old patterns continue to plague you until you decide to do something about them. The next ridge peeps over the one where you had recently arrived, and beckons you to another long but rewarding upward climb.

As the month begins, you are on an exciting and largely fulfilling roller coaster ride leading mainly upwards. A positive take on life and life direction is more than possible although you at times must struggle for it. Ideas are flowing haphazardly into you brain, more than you can calmly handle, so that discrimination must be employed to take full advantage of them. The good news is that they all contain the seed of some kind of forward motion for you, once they have been sorted through and better understood. With your ruler Mercury retrograde in your career sector you are undoubtedly rethinking your place in the world and how you got this way, as well as where next to take it. Mercury retrogrades and then advances through your tenth sector of career and professional life for the first two weeks of April, returning to your eleventh sector of goals on April 16th. It will not escape its retrograde shadow however until April 23rd. All through this time it is recommended that you meditate inwardly on where you are heeded rather than fully explore your outward possibilities. While this is therefore a powerful time for visioning your next move, it is not one for taking drastic action; that can await the next New Moon cycle beginning on April 21st. As you sort through the various aspects of your worldly presence you will perhaps also encounter nagging doubts about yourself, and yet these actually constitute the true goldmine of this period of time. They are very valuable as indicators of where it might be necessary to dig deeper into your psyche in order to more fully uncover the roots of such wounds to your self-image and thereby enhance your basic confidence as you make your way. With the Full Moon of Friday, April 6th, you are feeling your creativity as you prepare to take a stronger stance in the world. A cosmic love impulse guides your footsteps, and enjoins you to recreate your world nearer to your true desire. Only the path with heart appeals to you in any measure now, a factor which seems mysterious and even incomprehensible at first, but which gradually assumes all the luster of more logical and consensus-sanctioned solutions. By the time of the Last Quarter Moon a week later, taking place on Friday, April 13th, you are willing to allow a new paradigm to settle in. This is traditionally a time of mulling over everything that has come about over the past three weeks of the cycle, with an eye to reviewing and revisioning. You are evolving in your understanding of what has transpired and of the concepts involved. The mystical side of life is still very much evident as you now seek to better integrate these deeper ideas into your future plans. With the New Moon a week further on, taking place on Saturday, April 21st, there is fresh energy for your quest, which continues to be of a mystical and otherworldly rather than of an everyday variety. Your rapidly evolving concept for a future that you can really live with takes a front burner, as the unseen world of the numinous and the unknown continues to inform your vision.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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