A Full Moon of Expansion and Depth

A Full Moon of Expansion and Depth

The upcoming Sagittarius Full Moon arrives in our midst on May 23rd at 6:53 AM Pacific Time. Perched at 2º 55’ of the sign, the Moon inhabiting this mutable fire sign speaks of the human impulse to seek new experiences, explore the world, find richness, and create meaning. This Full Moon also happens to be making a partile or same-degree sextile to...

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A New Moon of Grounded Excitement

A New Moon of Grounded Excitement

Tuesday evening’s Taurus New Moon takes place on May 7th, at 8:20 PM on the west coast, later evening for points east, and at 18° of the sign, and represents a mild and grounded follow-up to the potent solar eclipse energy of the Aries New Moon from April 8th. In that cycle we saw a featured presence of Chiron, the Wounded Healer. Subsequent to that...

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A Scorpio Full Moon of Evolutionary Turnings

A Scorpio Full Moon of Evolutionary Turnings

The upcoming Full Moon arrives in its exact position on April 23rd at 4:49 pm PT, and takes place in the enigmatic depths of Scorpio. This is the first Full Moon after the recent Eclipse Season and represents the culminating point of the cycle that began with the extremely potent New Moon Solar Eclipse from April 8th. Perched at 4º18’ Scorpio, opposite...

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A New Moon Eclipse of Deep Process and Ongoing Metamorphosis

A New Moon Eclipse of Deep Process and Ongoing Metamorphosis

Monday morning’s New Moon and Solar Eclipse at 19 Aries, taking place at 11:21 am PT, is a fascinating and extremely potent lunation. For starters, Mars is conjunct Saturn, signifying a slow-down, and Mercury is retrograde, and highlighted, bringing the introspection and the reconsiderations of this off-kilter period of time even more closely to our...

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A Libra Full Moon Eclipse of Dimensions Beyond the Purely Physical

A Libra Full Moon Eclipse of Dimensions Beyond the Purely Physical

Monday’s Lunar Eclipse, taking place on March 25th at 12 am PDT, later morning hours for points east, represents a form of culmination in the lunation cycle that began with the Pisces New Moon of March 10th, and additionally has fascinating characteristics that chime with that previous astrological configuration. Specifically, outer planets Uranus, Neptune,...

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