A Virgo New Moon of Devotion and Clarification

A Virgo New Moon of Devotion and Clarification

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The Virgo New Moon of September 2nd marks an energetic shift in this late 2024 timing, occurring at 6:56 p.m. PT and at 11º04' of the sign. This New Moon arrives on the tail of some wild astrology, as the past month brought some of the most intense and transformative transits of the year, including the hefty exact hit of Saturn square Jupiter and Mars, and a Mercury Retrograde through Virgo and Leo. All of this has created massive waves, both collectively and individually. Aspirations were met with the hard terms of reality, and practical transformations and adjustments were required to build the resilience needed to keep moving forward. As this new lunar cycle commences, the Saturn-Jupiter square is beginning to fade, and Mercury is starting to straighten out, having stationed direct on August 28th. This New Moon configuration offers the practical wisdom of Virgo through the soli-lunar principle, inviting us to integrate the lessons of the previous cycle into new seeds of intention to draw us forward. Pluto has recently re-entered Capricorn for its final chapter there until mid-November, when it will finally return to Aquarius for the next 20+ years.  Mars in inconjunct (quincunx) aspect to this Pluto position reminds us that we are subject to high passion, perhaps including fits of anger. During this coming month, where the rubber meets the road in terms of pursuing our goals and fulfilling our unique purpose and passion, we are invited to clarify our core values, simplify our approaches, and foster adaptability in the face of the rapidly transforming landscape of our world.

This New Moon has a somewhat sober and practical tone, with the Moon and Sun in Virgo in opposition to Saturn. Combined with Mercury just recovering from its direct station, this creates a significant slow-down effect. Mercury, as the ruling planet of Virgo, has heightened influence, and in the sign of Leo, encourages us to begin to express and speak boldly about what’s in our hearts, even if it’s not perfectly packaged just yet. Saturn’s influence here is not altogether business-like, but rather invites us to dream and devote ourselves to pursuing the pathways for those dreams to take root in material form. The Moon’s presence in Virgo ensures that during this cycle, we take our tasks seriously and tend to the many details that support the whole. It’s also important to note that this New Moon precedes the coming eclipse season, commencing with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 17th. The highlighting of the Virgo-Pisces axis tends to amplify the polarity between the ethereal and the tangible, the otherworldly and the mundane. We all exist with both, and oppositions like this ask us to inhabit the paradox of that duality. A worthy inquiry to consider during this cycle might be: “How do you indulge your imagination and experience of the mystery while also being present and responsible in the nitty-gritty of this earthly realm?”

A fascinating aspect of this New Moon is happening in the early degrees of Libra. Venus, in her rulership there, joins up with the South Lunar Node, as well as Black Moon Lilith and the asteroid Juno. This feels like the priestesses gathering to clean out the sacred temple and decorate it lavishly with fresh flowers and luxurious linens. Venus is there to help us remember the chamber of our inner heart and deepest values, Lilith is there to help us reclaim the shadowed parts of ourselves that we’ve cast out, welcoming them back home, and Juno is there to help us fortify and fulfill our commitments and sense of sacred duty. With all of these placements anchoring the South Node, there is an energetic movement toward releasing the karmic and cultural stories and conditioning that no longer fit the current context of who we are each becoming. Given that this is on the Virgo Full Moon, the notions of clean-up, refinement, and clarification are already strong, and this configuration adds greater force to that energetic current.

You may wish to partner with these energies in a myriad of ways, perhaps cleaning your physical space, releasing beliefs and stories that no longer serve you, or perhaps it’s some synchronistic blend of many things occurring in a beautiful orchestra, with a multitude of resonances and vibrations all conspiring for your highest calling and expression to blossom forth. This may sound fantastical or rose-colored, but perhaps dancing with our unique sense of sacred beauty and expressing our truest self is the most radical thing we could do in dire time such as these. Perhaps reveling in true pleasure and beauty allows us to interface with and digest the suffering and grief that lie inherent in our earthly experience, giving us the resilience to carry on.

Any way you slice it, the world in which we live is evolving at breakneck speed, and, hopefully, we humans are evolving along with it. During this time, may the invisible forces of good rise up to meet each of us in the most helpful of ways, and may we have the senses to open and receive them. May we have the wisdom to release the stories that bind us to distortion and be liberated into our truest sense of Being and Belonging.

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