A Leo New Moon of Evolutionary Creativity

A Leo New Moon of Evolutionary Creativity

The New Moon in Leo that becomes exact on Thursday, July 28th at 10:55am PT arrives during some of the most intense astrological weather of the year, and beckons us into our inner light, creativity and innovative spirit. In this New Moon the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius are strongly emphasized, with intensely evolutionary and transformative...

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A Capricorn Full Moon of Innovative Change

A Capricorn Full Moon of Innovative Change

The Full Moon of Wednesday, July 13th, taking place at 11:38 am, PT, later in the day for points east, involves outer planet connections that are redolent of evolutionally change on both individual and collective levels. This is because, at 21 Capricorn, the Moon is widely conjunct transformational Pluto, plus being semi-sextile Saturn, sextile Neptune, and square...

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A New Moon of Feeling and Fortitude

A New Moon of Feeling and Fortitude

The Cancer New Moon that commences its lunation cycle on June 28th, at 7:52 pm Pacific Time, has some intensely harsh notes, and yet also cause for optimism. While certain aspects of this New Moon, notably Mars, Pluto, and Lilith, may have us bristling against threat and yearning to stand up and speak out for what we truly believe, there is also its softer side....

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A Sagittarius Full Moon of Open Hearted Wandering

A Sagittarius Full Moon of Open Hearted Wandering

The Sagittarius Full Moon that ripens to its fullness early morning of Tuesday, June 14th at 4:52 AM, Pacific Time, later for the east coast and Europe, offers us respite from the day-to-day concerns of the practical world with a burst of insubstantiality, buoyancy, and an exploratory spirit. As its Sagittarian essence is also operating in the reflected light of...

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A Gemini New Moon of Reviewing & Integrating Change

A Gemini New Moon of Reviewing & Integrating Change

The Gemini New Moon that becomes exact on May 30th at 4:30 am Pacific Time, later for the east coast and Europe, soars into view on gossamer wings, bringing an air of mental evaluation and conversational connection to the powerful astrological currents surging through. This is the first New Moon after the recent Eclipse Season, from April 30th to May 15th, and many...

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