Posted on April 17, 2023 in Configurations
By Leslie Benson for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
The Solar Eclipse and New Moon of Wednesday, April 19th, in the final degree of Aries, is ushering in the blustery winds of change and coming into its exact position at 9:13 pm Pacific Time, early morning of the 20th for points east. This Eclipse presents something of a paradox as it signals the start of a new cycle, yet it also contains the energy of finality as a different cycle draws to its natural conclusion. The last degree of a sign, sometimes referred to as the “anaretic” degree, carries the signature of culmination. Eclipses, in general, indicate times of intensity, big influxes of catalytic energy, and signal significant events and processes that ripple out into the six months that follow. This eclipse has a double dose of transformative vibes as Pluto forms a close square to the position of the Sun and Moon, bringing a dynamic tension into play that can foster tremendous growth.
With this eclipse in Aries, we may see a surge of intensity that initiates a process prompting us into a renewed relationship with our feeling of aliveness, vitality, urges to be in movement, and to boldly inhabit our most authentic selves. Because the eclipse is also at the anaretic degree of this Fiery sign, we may come to greater consciousness, and with striking clarity, regarding our habitual patterns that are ready for us to shed and release. This is in drastic contrast with new and more aligned ways of being that are emerging. The dynamic energy of this powerful lunation could also stimulate external events that prompt us to act swiftly in our efforts to purge what no longer fits for us. This process can feel challenging and confronting, yet ultimately may serve as a tremendous gift. Active and intentional engagement in this process – paired with a deep trust in the wisdom of the Universe – can help create space in your life for the emergent energy and divine intelligence that is available to you as the enrichment and nourishment your heart truly desires.
Pluto, recently entered into Aquarius, is making a very close square to the eclipse degree. Pluto, the planet of Death and Rebirth, thus reiterates the contrast of endings and beginnings as the natural ruler of such processes. In this initial stage of Pluto in Aquarius we may want to ask ourselves how the Pluto in Capricorn era has shaped us, and who are we becoming as we take our tentative steps into a new era. Pluto retrogrades May 1st and backs up into Capricorn one last time for the fall months of this year. These initial steps will likely, therefore, become more complete by January 2024, when Pluto re-enters Aquarius for the final time. Pluto in Aquarius signals massive innovations, technological revolutions, and signals as well that we truly don’t know who we as a species are going to become during the next two decades, with the advancements in awareness, and also in technology and artificial intelligence, evolving at breakneck speed.
This Solar Eclipse also participates in an out of sign conjunction with the North Node at 4º Taurus, making this a North Node eclipse. The North Node tends to signal emerging into new territory, and we could therefore look to this timing as a bridge in awareness from Aries into Taurus. Aries is quick and mobile, while Taurus is slow and deliberate, so that this eclipse invites us into the discernment and application of different pacing for different contexts. Taurus, as opposed to fiery and direct Aries, is earthy, receptive, sensual and responds to force rather than initiating it. We may wonder during this potent juncture how to learn balance, somehow embodying both the yang and the yin of these two archetypes and applying their wisdom appropriately – depending on the context.
It is also important to note in this late April timing that Mercury is slowing to its retrograde in Taurus, conjunct Uranus, taking place on April 21st in another collision of contrasts. The coming Mercury Retrograde re-iterates the Taurean themes of slowing down, prioritizing embodiment, rest, and relaxation, and we will want to mentally prepare for the characteristic unexpected events, communication mishaps, and technology or travel hold-ups.
Chiron, the Wounded Healer, at 16 Aries, is also powerfully configured in this eclipse, with the Mercury/Uranus midpoint in precise aspect to Chiron, practically to the minute of a degree. The presence of Chiron as a significant part of the eclipse configuration, makes for another chime with the enormous transformational potential of this week, month, and half year to come. We will want to use discernment with our relationships and our sense of our own identities, along with our feelings of self-worth, remembering that challenges to our peace of mind in these areas are also opportunities for healing long-buried issues.
Saturn at 4º Pisces is making a supportive trine and sextile to the Moon’s nodal axis and is additionally almost exactly contra-parallel the Sun and the Moon. With Saturn featured in this way in the eclipse configuration, we will want to recognize that it represents where we can find stability and support during the big waves that the eclipse may bring, when we remember to tune into this grounding energy. Saturn in Pisces reminds us of the importance of having a spiritual practice, and that mystical grace can be better integrated into our human experience with the help of structures and containers that foster our healing, such as therapy, bodywork, prayer, group healing contexts, yoga, or ceremony and ritual. Lean into the structures in your life that you know help stabilize and support you, and if you feel you don’t currently have such structures, this could turn out to be an excellent time to actively seek them out.
During this Eclipse Season, may we each find soft places to land and replenish, as well as fierce edges to bravely emerge into our evolving selves. May we be blessed with a perspective vast enough to be present with paradox and contrasting energies of this time. May the abundance of love and grace permeate our Earth and all the creatures upon it.
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