A Full Moon in Aries of Connection and Healing

A Full Moon in Aries of Connection and Healing

The Full Moon of October 9th arrives in its position of 16º Aries at 1:55 pm, Pacific Time; later in the day, of course, for points east. This lunar phase of Sun and Moon in opposition may show us more clearly the state of our relationships of all kinds, and also in this instance invites us into a more keen awareness of the unconscious patterns that prevent...

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A New Moon of Introspection, Transformation, and Resolution

A New Moon of Introspection, Transformation, and Resolution

Sunday’s New Moon in early Libra, taking place September 25th at 2:55 PM PT, later evening or night for points east, makes for an interesting and consequential lunation. The Sun and Moon are precisely opposite progressive Jupiter, bringing a note of optimistic reassessment to the picture of this New Moon’s Libra energy. We have as well a large...

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An Intuitive, Surprising, and Demanding Pisces Full Moon

An Intuitive, Surprising, and Demanding Pisces Full Moon

The Full Moon in Pisces takes place early on Saturday September 10, at 2:59 am Pacific Time. Occupying 17º Pisces, this Full Moon lunation shows us the numinous themes of this mutable water sign as highlighted. Pisces brings with it a palpable but simultaneously intangible connection to the unseen and otherworldly, stirring our imagination, intuitive awareness...

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A Virgo New Moon of Discernment in Action

A Virgo New Moon of Discernment in Action

The New Moon in Virgo comes to its exact position on August 27th at 1:17am Pacific Time, ushering in a new thirty-day lunation cycle. This New Moon invites us into our discernment and an examination of the beliefs and inner motivations that underpin our behavior as we make our present choices. There is a very loud Mars influence as well, and we may therefore find...

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A Full Moon of Transformational Intensity

A Full Moon of Transformational Intensity

The August 11th Aquarius Full Moon takes place at 19 degrees of the sign at 6:36 PM PT, later in the evening for the east coast or early next morning in Europe. This Full Moon event showcases the Sun and Moon in close aspect to Saturn, and to Uranus, while transformative Pluto is also featured, due to the very close configurations with Pluto of both outer and...

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