Capricorn Horoscope for June 2021

Capricorn Horoscope for June 2021

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another rather intense month for you, Capricorn, as your transformation continues and your spiritual evolution beckons you on. You are saddled with an introspective period of time this entire month, as symbolized by the retrograde of Mercury through your service sector through to the first week in July. Day-to-day and working life experiences are also covered in this house, and you might find these to be redolent with hidden meaning for you; in the ordinary is to be found in the sacred. You are reexamining your mission statement for this current incarnation, and seeking the nugget of what you are about, and what you can ultimately carry forward into a refreshing new stage. Your creativity is sizzling in recent weeks, and this, too, rises to a new crescendo in the current month, with perhaps some attendant fears of going too fast, too far, in your enthusiasm. Something deep within you is calling for greater internal connection with principles that you espouse, what you profoundly feel and can no longer ignore as you pursue career and partnership initiatives, which are in fact related to each other.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The Taurus New Moon from mid-May, still active for the first ten days of June, carries fresh energy to the creative sector of your chart and may have brought an increased desire to do things you enjoy. Your relationship to pleasure may be changing and as you learn to relax, you may find that you actually get more productive. Committing to activities that increase your sense of well-being could release the tension you feel surrounding your needs to be productive all the time. 

Also a factor over the entire month is the retrograde of Mercury in your sector of service, day-to-day activities, and your workplace or your health regimes. All these areas could be subject to reflection, as you seek new answers to old questions, or different habit patterns to embrace going forward. Mercury finally escapes its retrograde shadow by the first full week of July.

The Sun in Gemini trines Saturn in Aquarius near the beginning of June, on the 2nd and 3rd, which can help you streamline the financial aspect of a project. You may also be in the process of structuring your long-term goals, which may require a lot of speculations on your part. Mercury in Gemini is moving retrograde and squaring Neptune in Pisces from the 4th to the 5th, when you may be caught between your goals and attending to tedious details that threaten to derail your progress. With Jupiter in Pisces now transiting in the part of your chart that relates to your ideas and how you communicate them, staying on your game is possible. However, the amount of work currently taking place behind the scene could feel overwhelming.

Mars in Cancer opposing Pluto in Capricorn on the 4th and 5th also may bring power struggles with others. Either you or someone else may try to push their agenda to gain more control which could backfire if both parties are unaware of the underlying need to dominate a situation. However, with Venus now transiting in Cancer for the rest of the month the ability to reach a compromise is more likely and should help smooth out any disagreements between you and others.

On June 10th, the Solar Eclipse in Gemini takes place with Mercury Retrograde conjunct the Sun. Eclipses tend to bring new circumstances to contend with and, for you, it may have to do with how you structure your schedule in order to get everything done. Mercury is at home in the sign of Gemini and rules over the eclipse degree, which could put pressure on what needs to happen. There is a frantic energy surrounding the Gemini eclipse so make sure you give yourself plenty of downtime to unwind. If you feel like you are overthinking something, you probably are. The Sun in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces on the 13th and this could add an element of confusion to the mix and you may have to wait until Mercury turns direct on June 22nd before making a major move. Give yourself time to reflect and integrate what is shifting in your life.

Mars enters Leo on the 11th carrying some focus to your business and intimate partnerships. Mars transiting here could highlight the motivation you get from other people supporting your work and the vital role they play in your life.

Saturn in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus all month long, exact on June 14th for a second time this year, therefore coloring the entire year with the desire to both structure and break free of something simultaneously. Uranus in Taurus brings a lot of innovation and creative ideas to your sign and the desire to find more self-sufficiency in your projects. Saturn on the other hand may force you to calculate the risk with each expenditure putting the breaks on bolder ideas. The first of these exact squares occurred on February 17th and the final one will be on December 24th. You could be meeting a certain level of resistance towards the realization of some of your ambitious projects but this apparent resistance is ensuring  that the structures you are building are stable and financially sustainable in the long run.

The Sun enters the sign of Cancer the late evening of the 20th signaling the longest day and the shortest night of the year and the beginning of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere. Jupiter stations retrograde in Pisces on the same day while Venus in Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces. The Sun transiting in Cancer for the next month could bring an emphasis on your partnerships and there could be a considerable shift at this time towards your collaborations. The trine between Venus and Jupiter may give you the ability to negotiate or harmonize partnerships so that everyone gets what they want.

On the 24th, the Capricorn Full Moon shines brightly on what you require to feel grounded and secure. The interplay between you and others may be more significant right now and it is one more good reason to check in with yourself to make sure the give and take in your partnerships are well balanced and that both parties are putting equal amounts of effort to make things work. If your relationships have felt strained recently it may be a good time to be clear about what you need. You may feel more emotional than usual and it may be easier to assess what you need to feel good.

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