Capricorn Horoscope for July 2021

Capricorn Horoscope for July 2021

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another interesting month for you, Capricorn, as your spiritual transformation continues. With a strong presence of Pluto, lord of death and rebirth, in your first or identity sector, you remain in the midst of change, and you can relax into the flow of the universe when you can purely embrace this simple, incontrovertable, and yet subtle fact. This month also features the completion of the potent June Mercury Retrograde, as Mercury finally escapes its retrograde shadow by July 7th. The Cancer New Moon in your oposite sign, taking place on the 9th, highlights partnership issues and represents a fresh start on better understanding your relationship dynamic in general. It is also possible that inner wounding will come up this month as part of your journey, and if so, provide you with a terrific opportunity to begin to heal and begin to diminish the influence of these old news references to early trauma. You are, in essence, arriving at alignment with your truest principles and values, allowing everything else to fade into lessor significance as you grow.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

A powerful Solar Eclipse in Gemini occurred in June which could have prompted you to get organized and brought focus to your day-to-day or work situation, also health regimens. This cycle lasts through the first full week of the current month, when Mercury is also winding down the greatest extent of the recent June retrograde period as it escapes its retrograde shadow by the 7th. You may find yourself being even more efficient than usual which in turn could increase your productivity levels. Time, financial autonomy, and creativity are all big themes for you this year and you may have little other choice than to get serious about the work at hand if you are to meet your ambitious goals.

On July 1st, a powerful opposition between Mars in Leo and Saturn in Aquarius highlights joint finances, taxes, income, debts and contracts that may be weighing on your mind. There could be tension between a collective project or idea and your own personal trajectory. You could feel torn between financial autonomy and the potential backup coming from an employer. However, if your personal creativity is in jeopardy, it may be hard to reconcile your need for both security and freedom, especially as Mars comes into his square with Uranus in Taurus from the 2nd to the 4th.

The Sun transiting in Cancer until the 22nd brings light to your partnerships and the natural give-and-take required for any relationship to work. The Sun coming into a square with Chiron in Aries on the 4th could intensify a complex relational dynamic with a partner or a family member and bring up insecurities while the Sun sextile Uranus in Taurus the next day could also bring a significant breakthrough.

On July 5th and 6th, Mercury in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces for a third time since the end of May. You may notice feelings of saturation when it comes to information, the news, and social media and it may be a good opportunity to take a digital break. Mercury squaring Neptune could also represent a creative time when you are able to use your imagination in practical ways. Venus transiting in Leo opposite Saturn in Aquarius in this same timing, which may also bring fears of scarcity or financial worries but this is a short astrological passage and Venus squaring Uranus in Taurus on the 8th could help you find an innovative solution.

The Cancer New Moon on July 9th in your opposite sign brings fresh energy for your partnerships and the beginning of a new cycle in connection with how you relate to others. The New Moon is also square to Chiron in Aries and sextile to Uranus in Taurus which illuminates your need for independence and space. You may need to compromise with someone you live with or you may be called to find greater compromises to make a relationship work. This doesn’t have to be a “break it or make it” scenario but you may have to take a moment to listen to what someone else is needing from you. Mercury entering Cancer on the 11th will continue to highlight important relational conversations in the coming weeks.

You may be craving greater connection or intimacy with someone as Venus conjuncts Mars in Leo from the 10th to the 14th; this aspect can signal a really enjoyable time especially if you are able to let go of your personal agenda for a minute. The Sun in Cancer opposing Pluto in Capricorn on the 17th, which is also a quite intense First Quarter Moon, could bring conflict and confrontation, so that you may have to guard yourself from becoming too controlling; there could also be someone else who might be trying to dominate a situation. It may be important to state your needs clearly at this time to avoid any misunderstandings.

The Sun enters Leo on the 22nd and will continue to bring a lot of momentum for your personal or business partnerships. More extensively it may also highlight the support or resources that are currently available to you through your connections.

The Full Moon in Aquarius late on the 23rd could illuminate your need for space so that you can be more productive versus your need for others so that you can feel supported. It may seem like these two are irreconcilable or you may actually find a way to combine both your need to work privately and your need for community support.

The last week of July brings a host of aspects that promise to leave no one indifferent starting with Mercury in Cancer opposing Pluto on the 25th which may bring some truth to light that helps you move forward. Mercury enters Leo on the 27th joining the Sun already transiting in Leo while Jupiter re-enters Aquarius on the 28th inflating the financial sector of your chart and perhaps re-igniting a money venture that was left on the back burner at the beginning of May. There may be more financial opportunities for growth in the coming months as Jupiter transit in Aquarius so keep an open mind.

Mars enters Virgo on the 29th, which may bring an emphasis on travel or educational initiatives and may also support the clarification of your philosophical inclinations in the coming weeks. It may get easier to take a stand for what you believe, or at least organize your thoughts around what you’ve learned and find practical applications for your new skills.

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