Capricorn Horoscope for April 2018

Capricorn Horoscope for April 2018

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of deep introspection, reflection, and course correction, Capricorn. Mercury is retrograding through your sector of your psychological roots, and there is a revisioning of what you carry deep inside. Issues of home and family might come up for review, and for even more poignant changes after the key lunation of April 15th. As you navigate this month’s dilemmas there are important consequences for the way that you emerge from the tunnel of April into the open fields of May, leading into the remainder of your year. You are advised to go slowly and carefully now, since each move you make at this time provides the material for the further changes of the next two years, leading up to 2020. Accepting change is never easy, although easier for some than for others. The more flexible you can remain in your thinking, and in your heart space, the better off you will be.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The month gets started just after a Full Moon in your career house, putting the spotlight on the workplace, authority figures, and/or your public reputation. Now, the focus is shifting as Mars and Saturn conjoin to start the month (April 2nd) in your first house, in Capricorn. The first house is the house of self, health, and new beginnings. These two planets coming together are commonly described as “driving with the breaks on.” You might be feeling both compelled to move forward but also hesitant, cautious, or conservative at once. On the other hand, these two planets aligning with one another signify hard work, concentration under pressure, and the delivery of solid or praiseworthy results. As a Capricorn you are no stranger to hard work and solid results, but it’s also very important that you not exhaust yourself. Don’t forget, we work to sustain life, but work is not what we live for. Hard work and results die, and crumble, and fall apart, just like everything else, so make sure you are bringing your heart into everything you do. It’s the journey, not just the destination, that you are here to appreciate.

You will be especially reminded that life is also about beauty, joy, pleasure, and creativity, as Venus makes trines to Saturn and Mars from the 5th house of children, creativity, and joy, between April 7th and the 11th. During this time, be sure to take some extra time with your children, partner, or spouse, or take a break from all the drive and focus to remember the simple pleasures in life. During this time, Venus will also temporarily pass between Mars and Saturn, creating what is called an “enclosure.” This transit can offer a few buzz kills, or it can interrupt your life to remind you of the preciousness and beauty of the world around you. Either way, you’ll be a better person if you pay attention to the lessons the Universe is providing you right now.

Late in the evening of April 10th and into April 11th the Sun in Aries in the fourth house of children, pregnancy, creativity, and pleasure, will make a square to Pluto in Capricorn in your first house. Expect a transformation of your home environment, living situation, or family dynamics. This is a big shift, and it may also bring up issues around authority figures, parents, or fathers. The Sun/Pluto dynamic may tempt you to repeat family or parental patterns that are unhealthy, or it may provide you with an opportunity to heal or purify elements of your family karma. Be careful of being overbearing or domineering. Though you have the personality and executive abilities of a CEO, as a Capricorn you must always be careful to keep an open heart and to consider the feelings and needs of others.

April 15th to 18th the Sun in Aries will conjoin with the rebellious and unpredictable Uranus in Aries in your fourth house, exact just days after a New Moon in Aries on April 15th. Expect some radical or unexpected changes, rebellion, or disruption on the Home front. Don’t be surprised if your kids are especially challenging during this time, or if there are surprises happening in your extended family.

Between April 16th and 17th, Venus in Taurus in the fifth house of children, creativity, and joy is opposing Jupiter in your eleventh house of groups, friends, allies, and wishes or dreams for the future. This transit may put you into contact with someone important within a group or an organization, perhaps someone who is willing to help or assist you with your aspirations and dreams. On the other hand, this transit may represent tension between your social needs and desires and your own personality or creative abilities. Compromise is important right now, but no compromise should be so demanding that it negates your own individuality or creative voice. Finally, this is a transit that can bring good luck and a sense of enthusiasm or inspiration about the future. The universe might be sending you just the right people at just the right time, so don’t miss the opportunities that present themselves right now, either.

Finally, on April 26th, Mars will conjoin with Pluto in your first house. This is a cathartic and personal moment for you. You might be ready to start or give birth to something brand new, or you might be facing or confronting a personal challenge. It’s easy to exhaust or overextend yourself during a Mars/Pluto transit in your first house, and it’s also tempting to be impulsive, cavalier, or somewhat reckless. Though you are by nature a very shrewd and cautious person, Mars and Pluto are explosive and potentially domineering, so remember to stay cool and keep your wits about you.


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