Posted on January 2, 2025 in Cancer
By Henry Seltzer and Kimberly Peta Dewhirst for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This is a mystical and a relationship-oriented month, Cancer, when your integration with important others in your life aids your own, and when you are making a breakthrough that affects your outer persona along with your internal sense of what you uniquely stand for. The Capricorn New Moon that begins the January cycle took place at last month’s end in your relationship sector, bringing established partners or new beginnings in this important area into the picture of your ongoing developmental path. This monthly cycle is very active for you, including the quarter moons of the 6th and the 21st and the Full Moon in your sign of the 13th. This latter lunation is quite significant, speaking to issues of self and other, and the other-dimensional realities that underlie and may supersede your more normative understanding. This powerful juncture also colors your career and professional life with unseen realities more real that the illusory 3D so-called solid world. There could be the ideal of a successful union of inner and outer, mystical and practical, that lures you onward into career choices that feel aligned to your inner moral compass. You might feel the urge to get going with “the true business” of your life purpose and respond to what you hold deep inside yourself that stems strictly from your own understanding.
The following was written by our guest columnist, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst. You can find her at
January is, for you, about relationships and vocational transformation. You’ve likely – over time – come a long way in dealing with both platonic and romantic partners. Moving into the New Year, you could sense you’re embracing a fresh start with a significant other, thanks to the recent Capricorn New Moon in your opposite sign, which colors the first four weeks of January. As the month begins, in its first few days the Capricorn Sun harmonizes with Saturn in Pisces, increasing this focus. Meanwhile, Mars, the ruler of your sector of career and professional life, is moving in retrograde motion and opposed to the intensity of Pluto. This might have you introspectively looking into what makes you tick as far as your public persona and your career choices, including potential power struggles.
On the 3rd and 4th, with Venus, Saturn, Neptune and the Moon assembled in Pisces, thus a watery sector of the skies, you might find human relations and your friendships generally tending to go well, or even flourishing beautifully. The placement of these stars may encourage you to seek out something (or someone) foreign to you, so consider ways you might feasibly broaden your outlook, learn, grow and find people to hum in harmony with. Educational paths and the potential for spiritual development could also gently tilt your perspective.
The karmic North Node enters Pisces and your ninth house of travel, faith, philosophy, and knowledge on the 11th. In the coming year or more you’re encouraged to gaze out into the world, staying more open to meaningful insights. You may spontaneously sense truths that resonate, perhaps a natural course of wisdom or a philosophy that has seeped into you, now adopted as your own. This is less about what you think you understand, and more about remaining teachable, receptive to what’s beyond your comprehension.
On the 6th, you might like to take stock of your reputation and progress made professionally in the timing of the Moon’s First Quarter at 4 PM PST. Your calling, vocation, reputation, or sense of authority could be prominent now, so that you could strongly identify with your public image or the side of you that shows up ready to be recognized. There could also be temporary conflicts regarding these efforts with key partners in your life. You might want to consider any necessary admin that allows you to advance, while remaining mindful, as Mercury in your zone of systems, work, health, duties and habits is simultaneously confused or fantasizing with a square to Neptune. This might make the practicalities of wellness, diet, exercise or everyday routines more challenging to connect to.
On the 6th, also, in the early morning, Mars in backward motion re-enters your sign at 29°which could bring matters of understanding your own identity further to the fore.
On the 12th and the 13th, this retrograde planet harmonizes with nebulous Neptune. While time with a significant other is important, this is also a period that could be useful in redefining personal goals, your sense of direction or solo ambitions. Consider adjustments that bring you into alignment with where you’re headed. This might include reassessing your look or identity, making alterations that propel you toward your dreams and north star faster.
The Full Moon lands your sign on Monday the 13th, peaking in your first house of self and identity, and because this lunation makes a conjunction to your career planet Mars, you might find you’re bringing prominence to these themes. You benefit by blending the version of you that’s visibly aiming for success with the authentic persona that is slowly developing from the inside out. As the Full Moon additionally aligns with compassionate, omniscient Neptune, plus Uranus in your sector of networking, there are spiritual implications in everything that you do now. You could be perfectly at ease with your peers, teammates, or community, and yet also a little confused by the cosmic channels striving for your attention. By turning to inner understanding, you make strides on a journey of epic proportions, gravitating toward social settings, goals, and allies.
On the 18th, Venus conjuncts Saturn in your sector of educational impulses and higher mind realizations, and your social setting becomes more committed, dense, and meaningful.
On the 21st, the Last Quarter Moon lands in Scorpio, and therefore nudges you to have fun, expressing your creative, playful side, relishing cherished interests. Aquarius Season is now in session, with Pluto’s presence in the early degrees strongly felt. This could put important commitments, contracts, or other intimate considerations to the fore, forcing you to count on others. You might need to balance your own instincts and desires with investments calling you into the future.
You might need to be mindful that on the 23rd, with Mercury opposed to Mars and trine Uranus, it gets a little harder for one-to-one exchanges. Conversations could require extra tact, and it’s worth remembering that people, in general, have their little quirks, their radical differences along with their similarities.
On the weekend of the 25th, Venus contacts Mars and Uranus, favoring interpersonal dynamics in society, at a group level and in intimate settings. You could be actively participating among friends, or on a vision quest.
The Aquarius New Moon on January 29th takes place in your sector of intimacy and personal transformation and leads you into an exciting month ahead. This New Moon could underscore a pact, agreement or long-term interests, which covers in its thirty-day cycle almost all of February. The Sun in this New Moon configuration is tied to Jupiter in your twelfth house at this time, which could touch on internal plans that are ready for further deep diving. You could be close to turning a corner with your own inner work and processing, so you win when you persevere through explorations and excavations.
With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.
Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.
All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!
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