Posted on December 31, 2013 in Cancer
By Henry Seltzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This is an amazing month for you, Cancer, as you begin a new year ready to purge away some of the baggage from the old. Your ongoing transformation continues, and has huge implications for the way that you show up in the world, and also for the way that you do relationship. Your public presence is morphing along the fault lines generated by recent seismic shifts to your sense of identity, and the inner meaning of partnership. Outer accomplishment transforms inner recognition, and vise-versa. As the month progresses into a more graceful amalgam of self and other, you are left breathless, and yet, somehow, at least partially in control. Based on deep changes you are also seeing things rather differently on the home front, in a subtle distinction that actually changes everything.
As an overview of the entire month, consider that the powerful New Moon configuration, taking place early in the morning on New Year's Day, provides an seeding concept not only for January, but also for the whole of 2014. The Moon, your ruler, and Jupiter, exalted in your sign, are poignantly positioned opposite one another; Jupiter in your identity sector, and the Moon in your relationship sector. You are therefore exploring new facets of your energy for partnering, as this forms a significant part of your own individual path ahead. It is necessary now to be aware that you are on an important drive to find yourself, and in an entirely new and unique way. You must also recognize that in doing so you cannot stand entirely alone.
There is a cluster of planets surrounding the New Moon in your relationship sector, and in close conjunction: The Sun, the Moon, Pluto and Mercury, are all thus aligned, with Venus retrograde in late Capricorn as well. These are all significant for the shifts that you are currently experiencing in your approach to relationship. Something fundamental is changing for you in this vital area of partnership with others. This has been so for many months now, and is perhaps coming to a head over the course of this month and on into 2014. You are becoming more conscious of what it is that you do well in this department, and as well the various hang-ups that you have in this area. Your prior wounding affects you there as well, as is becoming more evident to you also; this is, of course, simply a fundamental part of the human condition. The presence of Chiron, the wounded healer, aspected by Pluto, Mars and Uranus, is worthy of mention, indicating that certain painful realizations may be in fact useful to you now in pointing the way forward into healing.
A powerful Uranus-Mars opposition in the January first chart is also forming a grand cross with the New Moon configuration, bringing a tremendous energy to your process of transforming old, outworn and perhaps dysfunctional habit patterns. This perhaps manifests as restless impulse to get on with it, and you are also engaged in a tremendous drive toward new vision, especially in terms of your career or public sphere. These powerful outer planet archetypes, angular in your solar chart, speak to the issue of how you show up in the world and exteriorize what is going on for you at deeper levels of our being.
With Jupiter traversing your identity sector, there has been a natural feeling of optimism as you've been learning to relate to yourself in new and largely beneficial ways, fostering love and faith within you. In this new month and year an opportunity also presents itself to allow the energy that has been generating within your own auric field to flow out to those with whom you relate and connect. This could appear in many facets, but particularly in a romantic or partnership sense. As you share your affections abundantly with others, they in turn might feel an ease in reciprocation, and the effect builds — both parties experience generosity and a sense of being nourished by the interaction.
This is not to say that everything will be sunshine and roses, for you are in a process of transformation in this area of life, and, while you are certainly able to at least glimpse a vision of how lovely life can become, there are still likely to be painful moments along the way. It helps to remember that such moments are not intended for your suffering, but rather for your growth, and as you can bring the light of your awareness to these situations, you heal yourself, and in the process invite others along with you to accentuate their own healing journey.
With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.
Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.
All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!
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