Cancer Horoscope for February 2013

Cancer Horoscope for February 2013

Posted on in Cancer |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

These are potent times for you, Cancer, the culmination of the last several weeks of changes and challenges especially in the way that you practice the art of relationship. This month could find you somewhat reclusive in terms of outer-world connection – preferring instead to inhabit a space that is expansive on the inside – and if so, it might be for the purpose of getting into closer touch with yourself at these inner levels; exploring the vast, dim and yeasty reaches of your unconscious process. You are discovering new avenues of higher mind connection that take you on a trip that is not physical but is instead a journey to the center of the personal unconscious portion of your very own universe.

As the month begins, you are rolling in the wake of the Full Moon from the last weekend of January that hit your solar chart pretty hard in your sector of resources and values. There could be issues of self and other that have been coming up for you and also your financial picture might be colored by the influence of others, perhaps intimate partners. In any case there have likely been lessons regarding self-reliance and also, contrary-wise, with being open to receiving others' help.

Saturn is highlighted, both stemming from that time frame and continuing into the current month, symbolizing the character-building aspects of what you are at present going through, which includes the transformation of your relationship dynamic and also of your connection to Spirit. With Chiron also very much in the picture, representing the archetype of the Wounded Healer, there could be issues that continue to come up for you of internal wounding, the residue of past trauma, that mars your outlook and affects your present-tense relationships.

You are in an excellent position now to transcend previous limitations on what and how you know and you believe. With unexpected new information flowing through cosmic channels to you these days, and with a new-found determination to dig deep into your own inner workings to discover the causes of misery as well as happiness within you, a sought-after synthesis might suddenly appear. Travel to far-away lands is also another possibility for you in this current month, with plans that have been recently made and then remade, or perhaps merely a visiting of distant horizons from the comfort of your armchair.

There are also implications for the way that you perceive the structure your life in general. You are relying on the mandates of real-world ways of looking at things, what can come under the heading of consensus thinking, but also, increasingly, and antithetically, you are acknowledging that what comes up as problem or solution can be left in the realm of Spirit to solve. Giving everything up to Goddess is not of course practical but then again, neither is handling it all from the limited standpoint of your own less general vantage.

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With the Last Quarter Moon of Sunday, February 3rd, you might find yourself re-thinking everything that has gone before this point of time, with the current lunation cycle that began with the Capricorn New Moon in mid-January. This configuration highlights the limitations as well as the rewards of what you are currently up to and how highly you regard the impact of your own contribution.

The New Moon of Saturday evening, February 9th, brings fresh energy to your purpose. This in large part still consists of digging down into your psyche for clues to who, at base, you really are. You are also a strong stand right now for your presence in the outer world of career and public life. This presence will only be enhanced by a more complete awareness of what is going on for you beneath the surface layers of your personality. This is also the time of finding new horizons to explore, both mentally and physically the richness and variety of your quest for self-knowledge lead you everywhere, only to find that you have come full circle and returned ot the place that you began, with yourself.

With the First Quarter Moon of Sunday, February 17th, you could run up against the tension of contrast as you attempt to break through to the next level of your self-exploration. Although you might find that the intuitive information that you receive your inner world collides with what you expect from the outer, you get further trusting your intuitive assessment than any so-called rational or logical information.

The Full Moon of Monday, February 25th, is a powerful one, and brings both of these elements, inner and outer, into more intense contrast. Your intuition is strong at this juncture and might help as unexpected events challenge logical conceptions. The Moon in Virgo emphasizes thought over action, communication over silence, and yet the fact that Mercury is now retrograde, moving in reverse through your sector of higher mind, brings you to an even more internal stance for at least the next few weeks. Although Mercury changes to direct motion on March 17th, it takes almost all of the following month before it returns to its starting point two thirds of the way through Pisces. Until then it might be best to watch and wait, continuing your profound exploration of what is essentially, for you, a brand new world.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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