Posted on February 1, 2025 in Aries
By Henry Seltzer and Alea Balzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This is, again, a rather intense month for you, Aries, when Pluto and the recent Aquarius New Moon are featured. Your sector of friendships, group affiliations, and future goals is therefore once more singled out for intentional focus and transformational change. This in another month when you are being invited to seize the day for yourself in terms of what you want to accomplish in this new year and beyond. The key partnerships in your life are also an important factor for you now and might be of help to you in arriving at your revised mission statement moving forward. The February 5th First Quarter Moon is significant in this regard and might bring up inner wounding that continues to be a subliminal factor for you due to the highlighted presence for you of Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in your sign. The Leo Full Moon of February 12th follows a week later, and signals surprise events and unexpected revelations in this regard – including those involving partnerships of all kinds. This along with deep intuitional understandings about how your vocational presence in the world is related to the internal values and principles you hold deep inside. Your work right now is to recognize what you have on offer within you, top to bottom, and how to best apply these characteristics to your ongoing spiritual evolution.
The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at
The Aquarius New Moon from January 29th in your sector of friendship and long-term ambitions serves to ground the astrological story of February. With Sun and Moon forming a trine to Jupiter in your sector of communication, this is for you a chatty, social lunation cycle on its surface that has a deeper meaning for you below the surface as it calls attention to the structures and meaning underpinning your collective participation. Mercury’s conjunction with Pluto in this New Moon in your social sector suggests you might encounter an intensity of change to your deliberations that is tied to a deeper reconstruction process. Pluto is associated with transformation of the area he is transiting, having last year re-entered Aquarius for this final time, lasting for the next twenty years or so. Binding your evolutionary drive to community, significant social reorientation may unfold alongside shifts in your broader aspirations — presenting the challenge of balancing independent thought and action within cooperative dynamics of friendships or social groups that you favor.
This lunation cycle is also influenced by a triple conjunction between Venus, Neptune, and the Lunar North Node in late Pisces, which perfects on February 1st in your sector of spirituality and hidden matters. Highlighting soul considerations that sit apart from ego and group identification, this alignment invites a deeper connection with yourself, the natural world, and the sacred. The North Node has just shifted into Pisces, emphasizing a chapter of eclipse-related development underway that offers expanded self-awareness and access to your creative reservoirs by taking you closer to hidden and unconscious aspects of your life.
A month-long square between your ruling planet, Mars, retrograde in Cancer, with Chiron in Aries indicates emotional undercurrents may wield more influence than anticipated. With Chiron in your identity sphere and Mars swimming backwards in your sector of home, family, and your psychological roots, vulnerabilities related to self-concept and physical embodiment, familial dynamics, or family of origin may surface, particularly within domestic scenarios where self-advocacy and independence seem to threaten foundational security. Your feelings offer intimate information to you this month — what you’re most inflamed about may be tied to foundational or generational wounds, stressing the importance of needed outlets to get pent-up emotional energy moving.
Venus enters Aries on February 3rd, bringing topics of identity and your physical constitution to the forefront. Empowered by a sextile to Pluto, this may be a time for personal or aesthetic changes that more authentically reflect how you feel inside. There is also a partile or same-degree grand trine between Jupiter in Gemini, Mercury in Aquarius, and the new 21st century KBO planet called Makemake, located in your opposite sign. This could reveal inspiration on your part inspired by high partnership ideals and activities on their part in support of these.
On February 4th, Jupiter stations direct in Gemini, which may bring matters of communication, mental health, and siblings additionally to prominence in this week. This shift may align with a renewed sense of optimism or purpose motivating your day-to-day interactions and mental engagements. With Mercury in Aquarius forming a trine to Jupiter as he stations, it’s a fruitful time of the month to exchange ideas with greater mental flexibility or reach a compromise.
On the 8th and 9th, Mercury conjoins the Sun in Aquarius. Conversations or information related to the social networking of your life and long-term visions may reveal new avenues or offer additional clarity. The Sun and Mercury in their conjunction being square to Uranus in Taurus, your resources sector, indicating that sudden changes concerning finances, values or your skill set may crop up, driving such considerations and prompting creative approaches to your networking.
The Leo Full Moon arrives on February 12th, taking place in your fifth sector of self-expression, with Uranus remaining still quite active, thus through to the end of the month., This lunation calls attention to your unique creative path of fulfillment, possibly illuminating collective needs, societal contribution, and group belonging. The Luminaries form a tight T-square to Uranus in Taurus, indicating creative ideas toward resolving ideological, or financial tensions could be accentuated while also potentially providing new conflicts that might arise. Major changes in your priorities are possible, including those involving children or a romantic relationship, and could motivate a new trajectory or call for courageous honesty on your part. You are being enjoined to exercise your freedom to change and to express yourself — perhaps by being less compartmentalized in order to sustain authentic social participation.
Mercury enters Pisces on February 14th, followed by the Sun on the 18th signaling Pisces season. Your 12th sector of inner work thus hosts a buildup of planets that may speak to you on the dream plane as you become mentally slightly unfocused for purely practical matters. Unconscious process becomes more important for you now and work on your internal wounding is a distinct possibility. Acceptance is the key.
On the 23rd, Mars stations direct in Cancer. With Mars slow to get moving again, resentments or challenges surrounding family, home, and property could be emphasized in the final week of February, requiring patience or sustained effort. Your ruling planet forms a trine to Mercury in Pisces as it stations, suggesting deeper awareness of your approach to communication and self-assertion that can help your navigate your inner dynamics. Mars’ shadow phase continues until May, so you will slowly be arriving over the coming weeks to more steady and significant actions and progress.
On February 24th and 25th, a Mercury-Saturn conjunction in Pisces offers mental fortitude for tackling tasks requiring precision or focus. It’s a good time for meditation and self-inquiry — detaching from a dynamic to reassess internally may bring clarity, although you could be looking at things with a pessimistic lens that needs lightening up.
The New Moon in Pisces on the 27th seeds a fresh cycle in your sector of spirituality, dream imagination, and hidden matters. Making room for your imaginative and emotional processes may be particularly important around this date with Mars stirring up suppressed but strong feelings in the Cancer sign of the Moon. Neptune’s ongoing conjunction with the North Node in Pisces this month may also accentuate escapist tendencies, calling for a more conscious approach to your time alone. This aspect may also heighten your urge for transcendence, including unexamined confines you have placed on yourself, perhaps unconsciously. With Venus in your sign also connecting to Jupiter by sextile in this New Moon, with the Sun and Moon in square, you might find that what is highlighted are some undermining patterns that it might be time to deal with. There is also noting the importance of sharing more vulnerable aspects of yourself with others. This next cycle extends over March and may invite surrender, or perhaps shedding aspects of yourself and your life that you can no longer identify with.
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