Aquarius Horoscope for November 2022

Aquarius Horoscope for November 2022

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another month of the tension of contrasts and transformational development, Aquarius. With some luck you are getting all the while closer to the person that you were all along intended to be. You will discover that you are making a fresh start of considerable magnitude in the area of your profession and public statement. You are simultaneously attempting to decide for emphasis between public ad private concerns. The hidden places within your psyche are very active now, and important to you as you sort out who exactly you are and might become. It is difficult to choose the most fundamental basis for moving forward with your career, and the guiding light in this may well prove to be your own most cherished bottom-line principles, over and above anything that you gain from the consensus thinking all around you, or from your early childhood conditioning. The Full Moon a lunar eclipse of November 8th is likely to represent the crux of all this, when the tension between various positions rises to a fever pitch. You are finding your way as best you can, and paying the closest attention to your inner world. You do well to make the best available match on the outside with what you are able to find deep within.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The recent solar eclipse in Scorpio that took place on October 25th set the stage for what unfolds for you in the first three weeks of the current month. This signals a fresh start on matters of career which may take on a new glow of satisfaction, bringing your private feelings more firmly into considerations of what you do. November’s early going and could also reference your relationship with the authority figures in your life and familial dynamics that color your interactions and expectations. You may feel an important shift occurring in relation to what you want from the world and where you see yourself going. You could feel a new type of self-awareness emerging at this time stemming from an honest appraisal of yourself, your goals, and what is important to you. Mars stationing retrograde in Gemini in the eclipse configuration can, over the next several months, bring a deeper investigation into what brings you joy. Getting in touch with your playful side should allow you to navigate the deeper changes occurring at the roots of your life while also helping you align towards more authentic ways of self-expression.

The first week of the month also brings traction for career-related matters, shining a spotlight on your public life and your ambitions. Although you are very astute in your work and masterful at juggling many projects all at once, this Scorpio Season could bring its fair share of challenges. Things could feel somewhat volatile in your personal life or with a domestic scenario, which may be scattering your attention. Venus in Scorpio squaring Saturn in Aquarius on the 7th could also bring an overly rigid way of interacting with the world and although you may feel like going with the flow, it might be easier said than done.

The Full Moon and lunar eclipse in Taurus take place on the 8th and represents a powerful life juncture. The eclipse Moon in your domestic sector may highlight some inner restlessness or a complicated situation that is out of your control. Your desire for peace and stability could be met with resistance or on the other hand, you could feel anxious without really being able to do anything about it. This is a pressurized time period when the efforts you have to make in order to meet your responsibilities or fulfill your desires seem impossible. Saturn in Aquarius squaring the Full Moon can also exacerbate any control issues you may have, especially if you or someone else has been unyielding. This ongoing process could prove to be helpful in the long run, however, you may have to contend with not entirely getting your way for the time being.

Challenges should start to feel more constructive, or at least your attention could be turning to more pleasurable things as the third week of November begins. Opportunities to integrate important lessons are available as both Venus and Mercury in Scorpio form a sextile with Pluto in Capricorn. However, the Sun and Venus forming a trine to Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces on the 15th could highlight issues of self-worth and it may be harder to know if you are sacrificing yourself for the right cause or just wasting your time. It could be a good opportunity to re-evaluate your energy investments in your work and with other people to ensure you are getting fairly compensated.

Venus and Mercury enter the Mutable Fire sign of Sagittarius mid-month, corresponding to your sector of friendships, group activities, and societal impact. This might bring a gradual change of focus toward your social life. It should be easier to get out of your self-imposed limitations and let loose while enjoying an increasingly connective time with others.

From the 14th through the 23rd, Mars retrograde squares Neptune in Pisces, and this might have a scattering influence so that it becomes harder to focus on your responsibilities. Your multitasking abilities could be put to good use at this time especially if you work in a creative field. The Sun enters Sagittarius on the 22nd.

The New Moon in Sagittarius arrives a day later on the 23rd, with Jupiter also stationing direct in Pisces in the New Moon configuration. This is a major influx of Jupiterian energy and it could feel easier to set your sight on the wider pictures, fuel your dreams, and see the silver lining in recent roadblocks you may have experienced.

Mars retrograde in Gemini and Mercury in Sagittarius form supportive aspects to Saturn in Aquarius in the last few days of November which might bring stimulating conversation or perspectives that can help you move away from things that feel counterproductive. This may very well be a busy time of the year for you but as long as you are doing what you love it should feel easy to move through your work.

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