Aquarius Horoscope for December 2022

Aquarius Horoscope for December 2022

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another month, Aquarius, of personal evolution and integration. You are feeling your way forward into greater authenticity with your future plans and societal contribution very much on your mind. Your creativity in general is an important focus now, and the subject of a degree of introspection. As you meditate on how you express yourself and where you are coming from, you are perhaps recognizing the importance of emanating more directly from your own deep center as you do so. You have been increasingly aware of who you uniquely are, independent of consensus thought forms, as well as how this understanding permeates the actions that you take. You are also coming from an essential optimistic place these days, especially when you can allow yourself to act strictly in accordance with the bottom-line principles at the core of your being. The Full Moon of December 7th represents a culmination of these concepts and emphasizes the link between what you have to say and do and the impact that you make on the world around you. This impact is of your own choosing, especially when you can succeed in shrugging off the distractions of other voices.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The Sagittarius New Moon having just occurred this past November, on the 23rd in your social sector, is influencing most of December with opportunities to go out or socialize and connect with your community. The first three weeks of the month may therefore be busier than the latter part. Your personal integrity is on the line and affects all that you say and do, including the way that the creative fabrications that you favor and produce wind up in the larger word around you, making a difference. Jupiter in Pisces is also emphasized in this recent New Moon, and your finances might get a boost from the effect of greater positivity in matters of resources and values. You could be feeling more charitable than usual towards others, as Jupiter transiting there could highlight your selfless nature. Saturn in your sign and trine Mars in your self-expression sector could be powerful for getting things done, and could also take you toward the inside, with Mars being also retrograde.

On the 3rd of December, Neptune stations direct in Pisces while forming a square with Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius. This can highlight idealism and perhaps a tendency to gloss over the nitty gritty. You may feel a certain amount of anxiety when you zoom in into the details and it may feel easier to focus on the big picture. There will be plenty of time in the new year to come when you can refine an idea, a project, or a dream into form. Having faith in your intuition and not overthinking things too much should be the most productive way to get there.

Mercury enters Capricorn on the 6th which may find you gradually tuning into the deeper parts of yourself in the coming weeks. You could also feel more sensitive or introspective, preferring to focus your attention on what is important to you. Mercury will travel in the sign of Capricorn until mid-February due to its retrograde motion beginning at the end of December which may trigger a re-alignment process related to your hidden passions, your unconscious process, and perhaps your romantic longings.

The Gemini Full Moon takes place on December 7th and illuminates your sector of self-expression and pleasure. There could be a culmination process regarding your romantic or creative needs that is highlighted at this time. Mars currently moving retrograde in Gemini forms an exact conjunction with the Full Moon, and this significant aspect indicates rising passions and perhaps impatience if you feel that your needs are not being met. You could feel compelled to assert your desires more strongly at this time and you may need to find the proper outlets for this energy. This can be a productive moment if you have the space and freedom to explore your self-expression unencumbered by the more critical aspects of your nature.

The planet of love, Venus, enters Capricorn on the 9th and joins Mercury for an ongoing excavation in your soul sector. This reflective influence may be a subtle backdrop but there could be some parallel themes emerging that are similar to last December when Venus was moving retrograde in Capricorn.

From the 13th to the 15th, the Sun in Sagittarius squares Neptune and there may be a tendency to idealize a particular situation or version of someone that only lives in your imagination. It could be harder to focus on the facts.

Jupiter re-entering Aries on the 20th emphasizes your communicative outreach and a process of curiosity and learning. This could perhaps burn away any remaining fantasies that threaten to muddle the clarity you have gained in the past year.

The Sun enters Capricorn on the 21st which signals the Capricorn Solstice and in the Northern Hemisphere the shortest day of the year and the beginning of winter. There is a lot of power in the square that the Sun, newly entered into Capricorn, makes to expansive Jupiter, so that your unconscious process may be extra fine-tuned over the coming turning of the year.

The Capricorn New Moon arrives two days later on the 23rd, while continuing the square of Sun with Jupiter in Aries. This may bring the beginning of a particularly insightful and integrative thirty days, although you may also need to take some time off to recharge your batteries. There could be important epiphanies coming through in the next few weeks and you could feel an important reset occurring without knowing exactly what it means. Respecting your need for space and quiet at this time should ensure that you eventually emerge into the New Year with regained vitality.

On the 29th, Mercury in Capricorn stations retrograde in close conjunction with the lovely Venus, and will be moving backward there until the 18th of January, afterwards for the following three weeks recovering its lost zodiacal ground, and finally escaping its retrograde shadow on February 7th. This period of time is great for helping you to assess your priorities, your goals, and where things are heading, although not so good for distinctive progress. Venus also conjoins Pluto on New Year's Eve, which may bring up powerful emotions surrounding your need for validation and love. Your inner world is very alive for you throughout this period of time, and your fundamentally compassionate nature could be highlighted. It may be important that you offer yourself the care and support you so naturally extend to others. Your family and your home could be highlighted in some ways as you study your depths and eventually thrust forward by the second month of the New Year.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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