Aquarius Horoscope for July 2012

Aquarius Horoscope for July 2012

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is the season of your change, Aquarius, and high time to acknowledge important realizations that have been percolating up through to your conscious mind by a circuitous internal routing. You are forging a new mission statement and your inner world is more fundamentally involved in this activity than you have been able to credit, up to now. You are making a bold stand for truth and when you stop and listen to yourself you sometimes cannot believe what you just said, and yet it is vital for your progress that that you do. You are a huge success in the change game, but only when you pay the closest possible attention to these glimpses of inner wisdom even though they run may counter to what everyone else around you seems to think.

As the month begins, you are energized with the idea of refining your sense of self, and of your self-worth, granting you the possibility of discovering a life direction that is in greater alignment with your emerging take on what the universe is capable of providing. You are in an essentially spiritual place right now, and might recognize that it is not the time to push the river, but rather to sit along its banks and pay careful attention to whatever it is that comes along. You are still in the process of reinventing yourself, incorporating the opinions of family but only letting them in to a certain degree of depth and no further, since you are aware of needing to find your own way forward. There is a sense of mission that you have going for you now, a feeling that you need to discover your place in the family of human responsibilities and life purpose for which you have long been searching, a journey that could reach greater resolution over the course of this climactic monthly period. Since Mercury is in retrograde motion through your relationship sector, beginning mid-month, you are also changing in the way that others in your life contribute to your plan. You might be engaged in redefining your concept of what partnership means to you, or conspiring with others in a new way to further your agenda. All of these changes are based on a greater connection within yourself of finding your own dark places and how to better integrate these into normal waking existence.

With the Full Moon of Tuesday, July 3rd, you are reaching out for a plateau of meaning, seeking a balance of energies that gracefully enable your highest intension for yourself going forward. You are being fed a rich diet of inspiration from cosmic forces that conspire to give you a greater sense of security in the midst of a changing world. You are yet managing to allow the roller coaster ride to take you wherever it is that you truly need to go. Allowing these beneficial energies and all this surprising information to thus seep into your brain combines nicely with your stated intention. At the time of the Last Quarter Moon of Tuesday, July 10th, the deluge continues. You are faced with cosmic epiphanies now that lead you toward rewriting the script of much of what has come before, as you seek to reconsider and reevaluate your translation of prior happenings. You are making a strong stand for what you truly believe and as well have the courage to state out loud. Mercury also retrogrades, making for an even more introspective period of time, beginning on the following weekend, of Saturday, July 14th. This Mercury Retrograde period might last as long as five weeks, when you take the two weeks of the retrograde shadow into account, so well into August. While Mercury stations direct as early as August 7th it does not regain its lost Zodiacal longitude until August 21st. This is a time of missed connections and of introspection, when also there is information from experience that is coming in and radically changing your perspective on what is actually going on within the process of your inner reality. The New Moon of Wednesday, July 18th, brings fresh energy to an essentially unchanged picture of the forces within your psyche arrayed and sometimes actively engaged, except that Mercury is now retrograde, so that everything is taken up on a much more internal level. An optimistic attitude however prevails and it is generally correct in its assessment. When the First Quarter Moon hits on Thursday, July 26th, the internal arguments get more intense and threaten to fly off the handle. All serves to further, the easy and the not so easy, the light and the deeper lessons.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

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