Revelations and Liberations of Late May 2024

Revelations and Liberations of Late May 2024

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The whirlwind of action in the later degrees of Taurus from late-April to late-May has been and continues to be a very wild ride. These weeks, coasting on the coattails of the intense March/April Eclipse Season, and, as well, the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction of April 20th, are likely to bring sudden events, major growth spurts, and evolutionary turnings. These last two weeks of May will see further seismic shifts that urge us on and challenge us to look more deeply into life direction and how we are going to get there.

A major factor in all this has been the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction at 21º Taurus that took place on April 20th and that remained a strong feature of the May 7th New Moon. This conjunction, which only happens once every ~14 years, occurred this time in Taurus, creating big movements of inventive energy in realms that tend to be more fixed or static: our physical bodies, tangible materiality, finances, food, land, and physical goods. In the ripple out of the aftermath of that event, over the remainder of the May month, we may find ourselves spurred into looking at certain areas of our lives in a completely new light.

In this mid to late-May time we now find ourselves in, we have, in the Moon’s First Quarter, the Sun, square the Leo Moon, at the exact midpoint of Uranus and Jupiter, pulling them together so as to further stimulate their innovative conjunction last month; this with Venus, and later Mercury, in Taurus also and participating – eventually  making their own meetups with Uranus – stimulating a series of touch points that will echo and further illuminate the themes and events of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction.

The Sun conjunct Uranus (exact May 13th)

An illumination and influx of vital energy. This could bring along a sense of heightened vigor, hunger for life, and vibrant new avenues of embodied presence. This could also highlight places of stagnation, resistance, and confront places that are in need of further freshening and change. 

The First Quarter Moon (on May 15th) with the Sun at the Uranus/Jupiter midpoint

This lunation configuration, with the Moon in its faster motion now squaring the Sun, reflects back on the previous New Moon and is potentially rife with new conflicts and understandings, as well as new perspectives that are indicated by the continuing Jupiter-Uranus emphasis in this particular planetary alignment. Mercury enters Taurus this same day, while Venus nears her conjunction with Uranus now at 23° of the sign. Relationships and artistic productions have fresh illuminations and novel patternings.

Venus conjunct Uranus (exact May 18th) - the same day that the Sun conjoins Jupiter

The realms of human connection may feel even more electric and vibrant, or potentially fraught with a feeling of volatility and uncertainty. Intense longings to be freely expressed and fully alive buzz and ripple through this air. With such an expansion of energy on this week and day, there are terrific potentials to soar high with amazing breakthroughs! There are also conceivable possibilities for crisis and breakdown, as areas in need of healing are made apparent by a massive influx of radiant energy.

Mercury conjunct Uranus (exact May 30th) with the Last Quarter Moon

Our mental processes and thought forms are now called into active innovation, leading up to this moment, and there is great opportunity to frame and land our experiences of the past few weeks in the meanings we make and stories we tell ourselves. Journaling and talking through things with trusted allies are beneficial, and productive of innovative conceptions. The power of our words are heightened, and keen awareness and intentionality help harness the revelations of this wild time into empowered and deliberate attitudes moving forward.

For clues on how all this is showing up for you, you will want to check your chart for the house(s) and sensitive points where 18º-27º of Taurus are located. The significations of those houses and any planets or placements involved will be where these volatile energies of new beginnings are being expressed.

For more details, you can also check your birth chart and transits in TimePassages Mobile or Desktop!

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