Mars, Venus & Pluto: Love`s Metamorphosis

Mars, Venus & Pluto: Love`s Metamorphosis

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The current astrology is placing an intensely focused lens on all of our relationship connections, and right on time for — love it or hate it — Valentine’s Day. Let’s take a look at the planetary landscape happening this week, as it brings to light the depths of our desires, urges, and values in our relationships.

If you’ve been following along with the celestial events, you’ll know that Pluto recently made his entrance into Aquarius on January 20th. (Full info on that here.) Pluto’s change in sign signifies a shift in collective awareness around power — both societally and personally.

This week both Mars and Venus will cross paths in their conjunctions with Pluto for the first time since the Lord of Death and Rebirth arrived in the fixed air sign. Mars’ exact conjunction took place on Tuesday the 13th and Venus’ exact conjunction is later in the week on Saturday.

When any of the planets (especially Mercury, Venus, or Mars) make contact with Pluto, we see their themes thrust into a metamorphosis, initiating a renewal process in those areas of our lives that they pertain to.

For Mars, this can look like unearthing material that is suppressing our expression of raw authenticity and vitality, especially unexpressed anger, and asserting our sense of choice and inner authority. In Aquarius, this may be colored by a primal urge for freedom that shakes things up and forges a newly beaten path, as well as bringing in an element of higher-mindedness and service to the general good.

For Venus, this can look like events spurring a newly felt sense of how we do or don’t inhabit our power in relationship, and getting current with what value, both in ourselves and in others. As we grow and change, our relationships, too, will change shape and evolve. With the Aquarian signature involved, it may be somewhat easier to find a thread of objectivity in our various relational dynamics, and to take a big picture view of what’s at play.

While this astrological weather is not exactly clear skies and smooth sailing, there is an important invitation to see more deeply into ourselves, and through what arises — especially in relationship — reclaim our power and our true sense of authenticity, sovereignty and self-hood, so that within our cherished connections we may show up more fully.

If you’d like to further explore your relationship dynamics through the lens of astrology, take a look at the relationship reports we offer—they’re 25% off through February. These acclaimed interpretations are customized to your birth charts and full of insight to help understand the nature of your most important relationships.

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