Posted on March 2, 2025 in Virgo
By Henry Seltzer and Kimberly Peta Dewhirst for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This is another interesting month for you, Virgo, and one in which you might wind up questioning in its second half various factors of identity, after your ruler Mercury retrogrades in your sector of intimacy and personal transformation. The Pisces New Moon just before March began kicked off a lunation cycle lasting for almost all of March in your partnership sector. There is fresh energy for all your key relationships including business partnerships. Venus also retrograding through your intimacy sector implies looking to the inside in introspective questioning of your relationship dynamic as well as the values and resources that you bring to the table to effectuate your creative projects and in terms of your public statement. Because of a highlighted presence of Jupiter in Gemini corresponding to your vocational sector, you feel expansive. With the Full Moon eclipse in your sign on late evening the 13th or early d 14th, you are dealing with a significant fulfillment of an arc of development in your relationships that was initiated in the New Moon. This eclipse lunation features Uranus in your higher mind sector for an unusual set of unexpected intuitional revelations concerning your beliefs and worldview. The Aries Equinox on the 20th marks another exciting juncture when the depth of relationship connection comes front and center. All and all, this is a monthly cycle that will leave you far wiser than when you started, when you can stay open to possibility.
The following was written by our guest columnist, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst. You can find her at
As you enter March, you are in the early days of the thirty-day lunation cycle initiated by the Pisces New Moon from February 27th. This sets you up for new awareness centered around intimate relationships and exploring your own inner places. In the four weeks ahead, you are off to something of a fresh start with close partnership connections and one-to-one unions. Because Jupiter in Gemini is highlighted in thie Pisces New Moon, your career choices are also likely to be getting a boost as well.
On March 1st, Venus stations retrograde in the next sign of Aries, corresponding to your eighth house of intimacy and personal evolution. You are led into a process of re-evaluation that potentially affects the way you’re tied to others. Your beliefs, philosophy, and appreciating other perspectives, cultures, or views, could be important, as well as your financial contribution, since Venus governs for you personal development, wisdom, as well as your values and assets. Perhaps you’ll find you’re deepening your comprehension of what you share, reviewing and re-thinking your ways of reciprocity.
From the 1st to the 2nd, the Sun in Pisces combines tensely in a square with Jupiter in Gemini. Meanwhile, Mercury is conjunct Neptune over this same period. Interpersonal dynamics, conversations and feedback could touch on your goals or professional aspirations, your public profile, and how you’re perceived. It may be necessary to balance ideas that are volunteered or put to you with the way you’re developing on your path. This may be concerning your career, a pathway to success, or your position and influence out in the world. It’s not necessarily obvious what a partner’s views are, so it may benefit you to pause until more information is revealed. Simply be aware of ways you’re seeking to be validated, your accomplishments, and how others respond.
On the 3rd, Mercury, your chart ruler, enters Aries, so that you could become more direct in asking for feedback from a significant other. Mercury immediately makes a sextile to Pluto in the early degrees of Aquarius, corresponding to your sector of health, daily life, and habitual routines. It may be more possible to discuss the support you expect from outside parties in order to reach a common destination. There could be interest in the role or part played by others to help you move toward fulfilling your ambitions, or it could benefit you to be cognizant of what’s spoken about. Mercury will spend quite some time in this area of your chart, thanks to an upcoming retrograde that begins mid-month.
On the 6th, the First Quarter Moon in Gemini guides you to affirm growth around your personal mission or career goals. There could be contention in reaching for conclusions. As the Moon is co-present with Jupiter, you might find real emotional progress acknowledging where you’re showing up publicly to be acknowledged. The Pisces Sun is in a harmonious trine to Mars, now direct in the sign of Cancer. This could feel significant for social activity and teamwork, with the potential for relief around an evolving community matter. There may be greater awareness of your cheerleaders or champions in a group or network. You may sense trusted affiliates and friends that are especially cherished.
From the 10th to the 12th, Mercury (direct) conjuncts Venus (retrograde) in Aries, another timing to pay attention to unity of partnership purpose, financial bonds and reliable collaborators. Around this day you could be engaged with long-term or more sudden commitments, re-considering your role there and attempting to come to an understanding of what’s negotiable and what is not.
The Full Moon on the 13th and 14th, depending on location, is a total lunar eclipse in your sign, illuminating your identity, character, body, and personal life along with additional explorations of issues of self and other. The Sun is conjunct Saturn and also aspecting Uranus in this lunation, so that surprises events could bring unexpected enlightenment to romantic involvements or creative partnerships. This may help to open up your world and your understanding of life. Reminded of who you are as individual, you might approach others from a different standpoint as a significant step in your developmental saga.
Mercury stations retrograde in Aries on the 14th and 15th, just 24 hours after the Full Moon, so that now Venus and Mercury are both backtracking in your sector of relationship agreements and joint contractual affairs. It benefits you to continue to review, reassess and revisit plans concerning mutually beneficial arrangements.
Aries Season commences on the 20th, with the Spring Equinox (at least, spring in the Northern Hemisphere). This is an important juncture, and one that carries you further into the exploration of intimacy and your own deep purpose and values. This signals a shift that encourages you to focus on acceptance around agreements, moving forwards in tandem with others. You might still be reflecting on what you stand to gain but are perhaps increasingly willing to let go, working with others more selflessly. At this juncture, too, Venus arrives in a sextile aspect to Pluto in Aquarius, just as she did on February 7th (then in direct motion).
Between the 22nd and 26th, the Sun meets Venus and Mercury in Aries, all in your eighth house, all finding potent connection with Pluto in a sextile aspect. You may be rethinking expectations, be it around what others do for you, owe you or should give or share, and your efforts, to consciously maintain or work on projects. You can allow yourself to explore your vulnerabilities, dependencies and even fears.
On the 27th Venus dips back into Pisces meeting Neptune. This event is followed by Mercury on the 29th. These twin ingresses could prompt you to revisit once again what you know, understand, and assume about a partner. It could also be an opportune moment to get more intimately acquainted with others principal figures in your orbit.
On the 29th as well, the Aries New Moon and partial eclipse occurs in your eighth house of intimacy, partnership agreements, and depth explorations or evolution, suggesting new beginnings around important relationships. There’s still more to be revealed thanks to these ongoing retrogrades and subsequent April cycles.
On the 30th, Neptune enters Aries, which is another powerful transit of this fractious year. Following March you may be ready to explore even deeper alliances.
With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.
Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.
All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!
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