Posted on February 1, 2025 in Overviews
By Henry Seltzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
There are so many things going on all at once in this dramatic month that it is difficult to know where to begin. The lead-off is the Aquarius New Moon of late January which initiated the thirty-day lunation cycle that therefore lasts almost all the way through the February month right up to nearly the end. This New Moon speaks to friendships, networking, computer intelligence, societal contribution, and looking ahead toward the future, with the additional stipulation that all these areas are simultaneously transforming with the impact of Pluto, Lord of Death and Rebirth, now settled into that sign for the next 20 years or so. When Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008 we saw corporate collapse with the banking crisis of that period, while in these interesting years, mid-decade of the 2020s, we see further social system challenges and changes. For this February month in particular, we find Pluto closely conjunct Mercury in the New Moon that defines it, and this brings a thoughtful time of accelerated change, along with greater awareness of change, so that there is plenty to think about and discuss as we navigate an increasingly intense month and year ahead.
We have also in this complicated New Moon configuration a highlighted presence of Neptune, with a forming Venus conjunction to Neptune as it nears the Pisces North Node, as well as a tight grand trine in Air from the New Moon to Jupiter in Gemini, and new 21st century Nature planet Makemake in Libra; and there is also an intriguing quintile on display from the New Moon to the Chiron/ Eris midpoint of 22° Aries as they lie a few degrees away from each other, simultaneously squared by retrograde Mars at 21° of Cancer. Neptune brings idealism and a touch of fantasy thinking or foggy logic. The Venus-Neptune conjunction, perfecting on the 1st, really a triple conjunction with the Pisces North Node, brings further emphasis to Neptune’s dose of spirituality and unreality, especially over the first week of February.
In this first week also, on Monday February 3rd, Mercury joins the grand trine with Jupiter and Makemake, all three of these planets at 11° of their respective Air signs. This grand trine is also highlighted on February 4th, as Jupiter stations, standing dead still in the sky to become more powerful as an influence. Due to the characteristics of this newly named Nature planet Makemake, that reflects a depth of moral commitment to taking action required by an internal sense of right versus wrong, or truth-telling, this grand trine implies a sense of activism that has to do with information exchange and forward thinking. The question of where we are going, each of us individually and also collectively, as a society, might be prominent on everyone’s mind and in their heart.
As far as Chiron, the Wounded Healer, highlighted in the New Moon as a background theme for the entire month due to the Chiron/ Eris five-degree conjunction being aspected by Sun and Moon at its midpoint, Chiron is also closely squared by retrograde Mars from the 4th to the 6th, so that inner wounding is also likely to be on all our minds during this month’s rather dramatic first week. This represents an opportunity for healing to take place because the first step there is awareness of how these issues can arise within us as psychological complexes to be dealt with, stemming as they do from poorly integrated early childhood trauma that has remained unresolved. Recognition of such complexes precedes acceptance and compassion, leading to eventual resolution.
After the intensity of the first few days of February, in the middle of the next week we may find that the Leo Full Moon provides a quantum of solace as we continue learning and growing. With Uranus highly emphasized at nearly the same degree as the Sun and Moon, forming a T-square, there could be surprise resolutions to ongoing issues and an intuitive level of improved understanding when we can let over-simplified logic out the door in favor of more nuanced planning. Unexpected events now might prove to be confounding and yet relieve recalcitrant logjams of stuck places we have gotten ourselves into. There is also an impulse that is activated over the last half of the month to move forward with what we can completely sign up for, our bottom-line values and we might be able to articulate and advocate for as part on an emerging mission statement to simply do our best, no matter what, and damn the torpedoes – as it were – that seem to cut us off from an acceptable future.
Along the way to month’s end, another juncture that stands out would be the Moon’s Last Quarter, on the 20th, as we enter Pisces season, which may also enjoin us to do everything in our power to trust our own most deeply and passionately held beliefs, to the exclusion of what anyone else might say in attempt to sway us.
All in all, this is an extremely complicated month of immense internal and external pressures, where we are the more rescued from despair the more we can come to our own understanding of what we stand for, deep inside ourselves, and proceed to act upon this and this alone. That is, to do strictly what we can find in our hearts as truthful and just. In this way, we may be able to feel that we have done our best, seize our freedom in the midst of difficult circumstance, and find true peace of mind.
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