Virgo Horoscope for November 2023

Virgo Horoscope for November 2023

Posted on in Virgo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is in many ways another difficult month for you, Virgo. Painful places deep inside you are being triggered by outer world events so that your own inner wounding becomes a stand-in for that of the world around you. The good news is that, although you can feel helpless in the face of what is going on externally, at least with your own issues there is something you can do. The suggestion is that you honor the hurt places inside you without shame or blame, recognizing these as the residue of early childhood trauma, and giving them the benefit of your loving attention and your more mature wisdom. Mid-month, beginning with the New Moon of the 13th, although your situation alters in the last half of November, you are by no means out of the woods. You are faced with a steep learning curve and logic alone will not get you where you need to go. A delicate process of intuition that could also be framed as angel guidance provides you with your best bet to weather the storm and to reap rewards in healing, integration, and authenticity.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

November begins in the middle of the lunation cycle initiated by the Libra New Moon and solar eclipse from last month that took place in your sphere of personal resources, values, and skills. There conceivably could be unexpected events affecting this area of your life that are still working themselves out. This thirty-day cycle continues to evolve throughout the first half of the current month, with the Taurus Full Moon and lunar eclipse from the last four days of October emphasizing the importance within this process of your search for new horizons of understanding affecting your beliefs and worldview. In this, intuition proves to be a better guide than the purely logical reasoning that dominates consensus thinking. Since both these lunations from last month were also eclipses, they relate to longer cycles of change and growth that may be beyond the bounds of conscious control, with effects that reverberate over the next six months.

November also arrives under the influence of an opposition from the Sun in Scorpio to Jupiter in Taurus, corresponding, again, to higher mind considerations including your beliefs and worldview. They might tend toward the optimistic over the month’s opening weekend, or perhaps extend the mental stress present at the recent Taurus lunar eclipse.

From the 3rd to the 4th, Mercury your ruler’s opposition to Uranus in Taurus adds to the intuitional focus. These transits could elevate uncertainty or underscore the contrast of intuition versus logic involving your belief systems, higher education, or travel to foreign lands. Perhaps this relates to a learning institution, a crisis in faith, or overwhelm associated with current global events vis a vis your information consumption habits. Destabilization could also give rise to a paradigm shift, that represents progress on a spiritual or intellectual path, or exciting changes of plans that place you in a new mental environment.

From the beginning of the month also, until the 4th, a concurrent opposition from Venus in your sign to Neptune in Pisces connects these shifts to your personal growth and ambitions, as well as to your one-on-one partnerships. This opposition might emphasize the role of projection or a lack of reciprocity in relational dynamics, possibly associated with money or conflicting values linked to the ongoing lunation cycle. However, considering Venus' roller coaster ride since the end of July, including its retrograde through your sphere of the subconscious, this transit could also point to a return of romance and cohesion within a partnership or a sense of inner sovereignty in your approach to them, perhaps through an ending that becomes a new beginning.

Saturn stationing direct in Pisces on the 4th could also see things moving forward in relationships following a more challenging period since the beginning of its retrograde in mid-June.

From the 5th to the 8th, Venus' encounter with Neptune described above gives way to a trine with Pluto in your sphere of self-expression, pleasure, and children. This transit offers the potency and creative potential of expressing something you have been holding in, which may also relate to the renewal of an existing connection or a new one coming into form.

On the 8th also, Venus moving into Libra could signal a boost in your bank balance or confidence in your abilities. Last month's solar eclipse may have seen vacillation around finances or larger questions about your values system. As the month-long lunar cycle wanes, this transit may align with a feeling of abundance or new money-making opportunities.

Mercury enters Sagittarius the following day, offering a positive boost to your mindset, enlivening your sphere of home, belonging, and family. With Venus and Mars in their home signs of Libra and Scorpio and your ruling planet in expansive Sagittarius, you have significant planetary support related to assets, communications, and your foundations. You may have more resources at your disposal than you think, including your relational skills and associations. Talking things through with others could broaden your perspective – a combination of creative visioning and strategic planning could help bring ideas into form. This ingress could also relate to how you structure your home life and approach to family or real estate matters.

From the 9th to the 10th, a square from Mercury to Saturn in Pisces may signal a reality check or future-oriented tone to conversations or considerations regarding business or intimate partnerships.

The Scorpio New Moon arrives on November 13th and initiates a cycle of renewal in your sphere of communication and local environment. This lunation may be confronting due to the presence of Mars conjunct the luminaries, which oppose Uranus in Taurus. Disagreement or shock arising at this time might clarify or change your opinions or beliefs. Perhaps you will be mobilized to advocate or take action that more completely aligns with your ethics, which could offer a reclamation of purpose and vitality. One possibility is that having the courage to acknowledge a complicated truth or share a vulnerable part of yourself with someone whose outlook you value may give you a fresh perspective and support your mental wellbeing.

With the Sun's entrance into Sagittarius on the 22nd, closely followed by Mars on the 24th, your home and family sphere is further emphasized. Both planets make a square to Saturn in Pisces as they cross this threshold, indicating limitations that you could run up against, or that you have the will and fortitude to energize shared endeavors. These could possibly be related to expanding family ties, home alterations, or deepening commitment to a partner.

The Full Moon in Gemini on the 27th illuminates your career and public image sector, influencing further evolution what was seeded at the Scorpio New Moon in your communications sphere. This lunation could see a focus on upskilling or how you share your voice, including recognition of your creative gifts related to thought and communication. Mars in applying conjunction to the Sun in Sagittarius could bring energy to a stand-off or a balance between your vocation and your home life. The square between Mars and Saturn, as well as Mercury's square to Neptune, brings in tension between home concerns versus partnership developments this month, suggesting frustration could propel you out of stagnation or an outdated sense of relationship obligations. A change in mindset connected to your familial conditioning may arrive or a new approach to committed partnership that supports your outer world ambitions. This lunation points to your capacity for sustained efforts within your domestic and relationship sectors, provided they inspire you.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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