Virgo Horoscope for December 2021

Virgo Horoscope for December 2021

Posted on in Virgo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an amazing month for settling into who you really are, Virgo. The Solar Eclipse of the first weekend of the month takes place in your sector of home, family, and your psychological roots – giving you the ability to take a giant leap forward in these areas. There is a push-pull of pure innovation versus staying the course that you will be dealing with, but some element of the novel and the daring new pathway forward is sure to be coming in. Your creativity is morphing in a serious way during the month’s second half, peaking around Christmas Day, and this evolution partakes of your expanding worldview in an even bigger way than you currently recognize. Your values and bottom-line principles are also greatly emphasized as the month continues to develop, with painful revelations potentially contributing to this growing maturity, especially at the December 18th Gemini Full Moon. The question becomes where to go with all these new ideas, coupled with partnership idealizations, on your horizon; the realization is hitting home that your inner world must be an important part of the answer.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The astrology of the month of December begins with a Solar Eclipse New Moon in Sagittarius, taking place late evening of the 3rd or the early morning of the 4th, in a significant sector of your solar chart, namely the fourth house of your psychological roots. This is the sector associated with home and family, including your dwelling space and issues of family of origin. This December month therefore brings fresh energy to these areas of your life. The Sun and Moon are conjunct Mercury, your ruler, so that this New Moon is especially potent one for members of your sign, calling you down into your secret depths. Your focus there for the remainder of the December month is likely to yield rewards, especially to the extent that you can bring imagination to your quest and take inner realities more seriously into account. This eclipse is also the last one of a series of eclipses that have occurred on the Gemini/Sagittarius axis since the beginning of 2020. Eclipses tend to bring a change of narrative over a period of time. This gradual shift could have brought a new reality to contend with, as related to your private life and an expanded sense of who you really feel yourself to be. More extensively, you may have had to relocate or reconsider where you want to be in the world as connected to those elements of your career that come strictly from your own internal principles and values.

Following the eclipse New Moon, during the first full week of the month, with Mars in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn from the 5th to the 7th you could feel unusually creative. Then Mars squares exuberant Jupiter in Aquarius on the 7th and 8th. This could help you get started on a project. Mercury in Sagittarius squaring Neptune in Pisces on the 7th on the other hand might bring a confusing dialogue with a partner that threatens to break your resolve. However, your ability to take a step back and discern fact from fiction will help you stay on the task at hand.

Venus is conjunct Pluto in Capricorn within one degree from the 8th to the 28th, relating to a creative project or a romantic connection that is in a process of deep change. Your advancing worldview contributes to the metamorphosis of your creative self-expression that is taking place. Venus is closely conjunct Pluto for nearly all of December which could bring an obsessive undercurrent to your passion that could be channeled creatively. Venus will turn retrograde later this month and will spend the next three months in Capricorn; projects that begin now may be significant but things may take longer than expected to develop.

The Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces from the 11th to the 12th could create some confusion as to where things are heading at home or in a partnership so best not to draw a hard conclusion at this time.

On the 13th, Mars enters Sagittarius and Mercury enters Capricorn bringing even more emphasis on your home life and creative pursuits. This third week of December could be a dynamic period and you should have a lot of energy for family matters or for projects related to your home.

The Full Moon in Gemini culminates late on the 18th highlighting your career or an emerging vocational trajectory. You may gain clarity as to where you want to head next and how to go about it. Mercury rules over this Full Moon and squares Chiron in Aries just as Chiron stations direct. You may find that issues of inner wounding come up or underlying anxiety related to a creative project and the contracts or commitments needed to accomplish your goals. You may as one example be aware that for an ambitious vision to take off you will need the support or resources of someone else – so that this lack of autonomy could make you feel uneasy.

Venus stations retrograde in Capricorn on the 19th and will be moving retrograde until the end of January giving you ample opportunities to adjust your commitments in the following weeks so that they can better align with your vision.

Then, on the 20th, Mercury in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus might help you integrate new concepts and step outside of the beaten path.

The Sun enters Capricorn on the 21st of December which brings the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. Capricorn season should be pleasurable for you and it’s a good time to focus on what you love so give yourself permission to have fun.

The third and final square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus takes place from the 8th to the 26th, exact on the 23rd, and this aspect highlights all the progress you have made under pressure this past year. You may have had to break out of a rut and take your health into your own hands and the end of 2021 is a good time to acknowledge how far you’ve come. The way you take care of yourself is changing and it may have something to do with new perspectives on the horizon.

On the 29th, Jupiter, planet of expansion, optimism and joy, enters Pisces thus gracing your relationship sector for the next four months. In the new year, you may be compelled to step outside of your comfort zone a little bit more as new relational dynamics start emerging. You may gain a new understanding of your needs and be better equipped to ask for what you want from others. At any rate, the end of 2021 should be filled with good company at home as the connective influences of Jupiter trickle down closer to the center of your life.

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