Virgo Horoscope for April 2021

Virgo Horoscope for April 2021

Posted on in Virgo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a rather intense month for you, Virgo, with implication for both your own personal evolution, and also for the key relationships in your life. There is a concentration of planets in the sign of Aries, corresponding to areas of intimate relationship, also agreements that you have with others, as well as your own evolving sense of Self as you grow. You will find these areas emphasized, both in the recent Libra Full Moon from the last weekend of the previous month, and also in the timing of the dynamic Aries New Moon of April 11th. Particularly at these inflection points, the issues of partnership in your life and your own development may collide. You could feel confused, or find that hurt places inside you, the likely residue of early childhood trauma, arise to a confronting level. Any internal wounding that you encounter however, does also represent an opportunity for growth as you accept and pay loving attention to these areas. These things can seem difficult, and they are. You succeed in facing them to the extent that you keep faith in your own process, and trust in the universe to guide you through.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The New Moon in Pisces from mid-March, three weeks before the beginning of April, brought something of a reset in connection with your partnerships, emphasizing new beginnings, be it business or romantic connection. A new partnership might be on the horizon, or you could simply be in alignment for a fresh start, perhaps including greater mutual love and respect, in your existing relationships. This recent Pisces New Moon still colors your first ten days of the month, emphasizing partnership connection, and may have also brought endings to make space for new things to emerge.

The beginning of April continues to highlight the important people in your life and perhaps the contracts and promises that bind you to others. By the late evening of April 3rd, Mercury joins the Sun and Venus in the sign of Aries which may emphasize your need to assert yourself more actively in the following weeks. Aries season can sometimes be tricky to handle especially if you’ve been favoring logical thinking over your gut instinct. The main challenge in the first two weeks of the month may be to accept the constructive force of anger and conflict in your partnerships. 

Joint finances could also be on your mind especially if you’ve been trying to move yourself forward in your career. You may need the resources that someone is offering you at this time in order to pursue your goals but collaborating could feel arduous. Mars in Gemini transiting in your career sector brings a powerful incentive to get moving with a vocational path and this could be done with the help of a business partner. You could find you have to deal with issues arising from pushing to do things your own way.

Your impatience may reach a breaking point leading up to the second weekend of April, when Mercury conjuncts Chiron in Aries on the 8th and 9th. Intimate connection has its pitfalls and these could come up for better awareness on your part, or an important conversation may take place with someone you are close to. The terms of an agreement could come up for re-negotiation. It is important to handle your interactions with care during this period as confusion could sidetrack what you really want to accomplish; especially so if you or a partner are not being completely honest. Clarification may be needed before you can come to an agreement that works for both parties.

The New Moon in Aries on the 11th is a powerful time, and signals the beginning of a new cycle in connection with the ways you deal with joint finances and more extensively your intimate relationships. This New Moon may be a good opportunity to put in place a strategy that provides more security for you and the people you love. It may also be a time of deeper introspection and emotional catharsis which proves to be somewhat painful but worthwhile. Any fears or emotions related to jealousy or issues of power may come to the surface to be dealt with at this time.

Venus enters the sign of Taurus on the 14th which may bring a renewed sense of perspective for you. You may start to feel more interested in investing your time and energy into your long-term goals in the weeks ahead.

If the first two weeks of April brought intense negotiations in your partnerships, things will start to make better sense by the weekend of the 17th. Mercury will reach its superior conjunction with the Sun in Aries which is usually accompanied by a moment of clarity. You may be able to let go or surrender to a process currently happening and find relative peace of mind. Mars in Gemini trine Jupiter in Aquarius should boost your level of confidence and your desire to move forward. 

On April 19th, the Sun and Mercury’s ingress in the sign of Taurus could feel like a healing balm. If you’ve felt stressed or tense in the first half of the month, especially regarding your partnerships, the second half of April brings more supportive energy for your own projects. Even though Taurus season is quite dynamic this year, you should feel your sense of optimism returning with new possibilities starting to emerge. 

Your hands will be quite full by the time Mars enters Cancer on the 23rd, which could bring opportunities to socialize and to network in the coming weeks. You may have to be stricter with your schedule if you want to get everything done. There could be many new possibilities enticing you at this time but you may need to stay realistic in terms of what you can actually accomplish.

The Full Moon in Scorpio on the late evening of the 26th may highlight what you’ve learned in the last year and what you’ve dedicated your attention to. This involves what you are passionate about and where you feel your contribution can be made. You may even be asked to speak on a topic that is close to your heart. If you’ve been involved in a research, this Full Moon may bring to light some new information and clarify your ideas surrounding a particular topic. Your relationship to social media, the internet, and the way you absorb information may be highlighted at this time as you take stock of what you believe and how you see yourself moving forward.

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