Virgo Horoscope for April 2020

Virgo Horoscope for April 2020

Posted on in Virgo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This April month represents an important time of coming to a better understanding of yourself and others, Virgo. Your self-expression continues to evolve mightily, especially in this particular monthly cycle, while your inclination to put partners on a pedestal is equally coming into play. You are emerging from a weeks-long process of reexamining your relationship dynamic with better grasp on your own interior machinery, and where you see things ultimately heading. What is coming up in this month’s realizations is likely also the impact of unresolved inner wounding upon all these areas. This is a time of great perplexity for everyone, and yet also of great spiritual progress when you can adopt a big-picture viewpoint and trust in the Universe. The Full Moon of April 7th is helpful. There is a way that you can take the strange societal circumstances of these difficult days and utilize these to get a better handle on who you really are, and how partnership in your life bolsters and fits into your significant new self-conception.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Your ruler Mercury is still in the nebulous water’s of Pisces to begin the month and conjoined with Neptune. Confusing sirens call, cross wires, foggy mirage, and romantic longings continue to permeate your partnerships. Clear strategies seem to fail where your heart is involved; a big theme in the last two months.

Simultaneously, Mars and Saturn conjoined in Aquarius brings things to a halt in your everyday work flow in the first week of the month. Logistical issues could be difficult to resolve, and progress will be slow. Saturn and Mars together is often compared to driving a car with the brakes on. You might feel stuck between a rock and a hard place. These two planets are slowing down the routine and health sector part of your chart. It's a good time to be patient and deal with one issue at a time. Venus entering Gemini on April 3rd, corresponding to your tenth solar sector of career and profession could bring support and inspiration. Venus will transit in Gemini for the next four months, due to her upcoming retrograde station in mid-May. This is quite a significant amount of time for the planet of love, art, beauty, and aesthetic to spend in one sign. However she does offer a silver lining for you to work with as she travels in the vocational part of your chart; she is aspecting Saturn in Aquarius offering a strong sense of commitment plus creative solutions in connection to your work or a project. Get your drafting table out and play around with various ideas. It will surely get the juice flowing and perhaps even bring up new concepts you hadn’t thought about.

The Full Moon in Libra takes place on April 7th, illuminating your values, resources, and your finances. With Venus, Libra’s ruler, at the top of your chart, blessing your vocational sector, it could be a time when you finally reap the rewards of a project. This Full Moon could also highlight shared assets, funding, and various support coming from others. Full Moon’s are usually associated with some type of culmination, and this one highlights your income. Mars in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus on the same day, which could bring a surprising turn of events in connection with academia or a learning journey.

Your ruler Mercury finally leaves the confusing realm of Pisces for the self-directed and confident fires of Aries on April 11th. Mercury in Aries should help you get the ball rolling on things that have felt in suspense for the last few months. Mercury in Aries also brings your attention on intimate partnership, shared assets, funding in general, and the support you are currently receiving from others. On April 14-15, Mercury conjoins with Chiron, and you could feel somewhat inadequate or aware of your interdependence with others. Shared assets could make you feel trapped as contracts or agreements with others come to the forefront. Remember that no woman/man is an island, and much of your creative opportunities might be coming from the support you are getting from others. There is no shame to have, if the appreciation of others makes you feel that you are doing the right thing. The work you are doing, and your contribution is important. If other people are seeing your worth, then let them, and count your blessings.

The Sun enters Taurus on April 19th giving you a sense of bigger possibilities like a breath of fresh air. However, with the Sun is also coming into a square with Saturn in Aquarius upon its entry into Taurus, you will also need to reconcile your visions with your current situation. There is a way to make the journey happen but it will require some elbow grease to get there. It might be helpful to recognize that, in the long run, the things we have to work the most for, always turn out to be the more enjoyable.

The New Moon in Taurus on April 22nd conjoins Uranus and squares Saturn in Aquarius. This is a powerful incentive to begin or continue working towards mind-expanding ventures. This could be connected to a learning journey via travel or school. However it will require long-term planning and patience to make it happen. The desire to broaden your horizon, and set sail on new territories has been tugging at you for a while. Be prepared to think outside of the box for ways in which you could make your vision a reality.

You can find extra focus and forward momentum on the weekend of April 25th and 26th while Mercury in Aries squares Pluto and Jupiter in Capricorn. You could find your concentration increase, and your mind better able to focus on the essentials. Mercury enters Taurus on April 27th, and this last week of the month could see you feeling restless, while still contending with the mundane details of your existence. Adventure is calling, but your responsibilities keep you from embracing a carefree attitude. Take advantage of the First Quarter Moon in Leo on April 30th to assess your situation and to try to observe where you might be feeling stuck.

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