Virgo Horoscope for December 2019

Virgo Horoscope for December 2019

Posted on in Virgo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an interesting month of mulling over who you are, Virgo, and how you connect with others around you. Following last month’s retrograde of your ruler, Mercury, you are revising your communication strategy and discovering new horizons in educational pursuits and worldview. Family ties become crucial, both current and with regard to your family of origin, as well as attitudes of commitment with regard to important relationships in your life. Illusionary ideals regarding partners might need to be tempered with more realistic assessments. You are also feeling a strong urge to be concretizing your creativity and for forging a new way forward that takes interior values more fully into account. You could find that your very identity and your creative outlets are undergoing a sea change, as the poet put it, “into something rich and strange.” You are wise to accept yourself in these deeper layers of your being and to recognize that interior exploration leads to greater intimacy with significant others, and with yourself.

The following was written by our new resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The New Moon in Sagittarius at the end of November kicked off a new cycle of growth in regard to your home or base of operation. More extensively, this New Moon in Sagittarius is linked to a long process of untying complicated knots in regard to your family of origin, your sense of safety in the world, and how this is closely linked to your upbringing or how ‘’rooted’’ you feel in yourself, and in your story. This is a process that happened for most of 2019, thanks to Jupiter transiting in your fourth house, airing out the attic and giving you much needed perspectives on old and even ancient generational stories. On December 2nd, Jupiter leaves its home sign of Sagittarius and enters Capricorn a sign linked to you with its Earth element and therefore by trine which is considered a supportive and ‘’flowy’’ aspect. Jupiter’s ingress into Capricorn signals a new period of practical, methodical, and supportive growth for Virgos, especially in connection to creativity, pleasure, and children.

Your ruler Mercury has been really busy in the recent months in the sign of Scorpio, which forced you to find better ways to organize your time when it comes to your immediate environment, your daily commute, simplifying and streamlining your schedule to pack more productive hours in. Your close friendships and associations have been a doorway to integrate these practical approaches, saving you much time, and bringing pleasure and inspiration to you to boot. Mercury enters Sagittarius on December 9th bringing attention to your home and personal space.

The Full Moon in Gemini late on December 11th illuminates career and vocational matters for you, Virgo, and the balance you must maintain between your private life and your social sphere. Family and home could be on your mind, making it difficult to know where to focus your attention. On one hand, inspiration and opportunities are calling and it's a good time to dedicate yourself to your projects, craft, and visions. On the other hand, your mind could be preoccupied with family matters, and the desire to find quiet time surrounded by the people you love.

Jupiter in Capricorn is trine Uranus in Taurus on the 15th of December offering a lot of momentum for innovations and experimentation. However, the trine in Astrology is sometime considered so easy that we have to consciously engage with it if we are to benefit from what it bestows. Mid- December is buzzing with a sense of potential and opportunities. 2019 coming to an end, the preparations for festivities and a sense that things are not going back to the way they were will permeate the air. The basic structures of your existence could be shifting and evolving rapidly, and it is an excellent time to move with what is trying to happen. Embrace the electrifying currents coursing through your story and your life at this time. Change is the only constant, and with change comes a whole lot of new potential. It helps when you can find ways to ground the tension through creative projects to move you out of stale scenarios.

On December 21st, the Sun enters the sign of Capricorn signaling the beginning of winter here in the Northern hemisphere, and Summer Solstice down under. For Virgos, the Sun entering Capricorn heralds the beginning of a busy time of the year. You should have a lot to attend to and finalize in the last few weeks of the year, projects, family obligations, and new ideas all coming at you. Thankfully, you should also feel energized at this time and ready to tackle your long to-do list.

The Solar Eclipse late on December 25th brings attention to your fifth house of pleasure, creativity, and romance. A major reset is taking place in this sphere of your life, and much of your current conundrum can be solved through your collaborations. This might not become obvious until January, however it is a good idea to stay open to what your friends or collaborators have to say especially when it comes to finding your proper place within your community.

Your ruler Mercury enters Capricorn on December 28th and trines Uranus in Taurus on the 30th. December draws to a close with a powerful awareness of change permeating everyone’s reality. Anything that has become stale and outdated is rapidly morphing. You can no longer rely on long-existing dynamics in the world at large and also in your personal life. When you enter the new year with an open, flexible mind, a whole world of possibilities is waiting to be discovered.

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