Virgo Horoscope for October 2017

Virgo Horoscope for October 2017

Posted on in Virgo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a time of great growth and inspiration for you, Virgo. Key relationships in your life are still in play, as they were also last month. From mid-September, with the New Moon in your sign, you have been feeling a shift and a celebration, as well as a consolidation of perspectives gained. You have been dealing with issues of intimacy, closeness, and freedom since that time; surprising enlightenment has shown up in your life and in your loves, while deeply intuitional information is constantly available when you choose to tune in. You are exploring who you are, really, and how to handle your inherent idealism regarding partners. Beware of anger, as emotions can become more volatile in the early weeks of October. As the month unfolds, intuitional awareness increases. You are concerned with finances and with values, both your own and those shared with a significant other.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of 9th House Astrology

This month, you hold the secret of combining work and pleasure; consider making good use of this time. You will also have plenty of opportunities to refine the way you relate and to access your desires more readily. The push and pull and the mechanics of your needs will be obvious, and it should be easy to ask for what you need. What will be pronounced will be all the ways that make you tick, which mean it will also be easier to go after what you want. Any situations where there is an exchange of energy will be emphasized, and you should get plenty of opportunities to refine your bargaining skills.
The themes of propriety and ownership, what is yours versus what belongs to others, will be highlighted on the Full Moon in Aries of October 5th. Finding an arrangement between your money versus that of others, or what is owed to you, will be on the radar. You have an opportunity towards the end of the month to reset your financial stance, but first you need to tackle the long negotiation process to reach an agreement that is connected to shared assets. Keep in mind that you will probably not be able to get everything that you want, and you will most likely have to contend with some surprising elements. You can only control your own reactions in regards to a situation; you are not responsible for someone else's mess. If you feel like you are being dragged down or depleted by someone else's dilemmas you probably are. Trust your intuition and re-establish the boundAries that will help you stay level-headed and productive. Remember that before caring for others you must care for your own basic needs. Even though you might be tempted to sacrifice parts of yourself for the people you love remember where that has led you in the past. You need to insure your own health, your own sanity, and solidity, before taking on a burden that is not even yours in the first place.

Around mid-October, it should be easy to reconnect with your muse, and this in turn could generate a flow of new and creative ideas. Do not readily dismiss the far-fetched ideas that pop into your mind at this time; write them down. Even though it is a good practice to keep a sense of proportion, it is not going to happen by staying within the limiting walls of conformity that we invent for ourselves. Following your inspiration could prove to be a lucrative business if you play your cards right. The correct measure of imagination and pragmatism is what you need to reinvent a moneymaking venture or simply to refresh the existing ones. The New Moon in Libra on the 19th of October invites you to write your own recipe for success. It should at least include one-part revolutionary ideas and one-part confidence in your ability to sustain yourself. Metamorphosis is hard work, but you are already halfway through the process and you can't stop now.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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