Posted on March 31, 2017 in Virgo
By Henry Seltzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This month is quite a series of ins and outs for you, Virgo. Nothing goes straight ahead, so that you might just as well give up on simplistic solutions to depth issues. It helps in these kinds of situations if you can attempt to “go with the flow” and try to see beyond what it was that you thought you knew. You are investigating aspects of your own inner workings, especially as these relate to issues of intimacy and partnership considerations, and you could stumble upon important realizations that you might never have considered before. Surprises abound, and trickster events designed by a benevolent universe to shock you into greater awareness. This is actually a mysterious area of life where logic no longer entirely holds sway, and where only a kind of magical thinking will prevail to aid you in your journey toward ultimate wholeness.
The following was written by this month's guest columnist and AstroGraph team member Leslie Benson and edited by Henry Seltzer. To learn more about Leslie's work, visit Astrology for Awakening.
Your April astrology begins with a potent New Moon in Aries, from March 27th, just a few days prior to the beginning of the month. The configurations of this chart suggest that you may find yourself reevaluating your approach and what you value in terms of your spiritual growth and evolution, especially in the context of your relationships to others. Surprising circumstances could arise, be they pleasant or challenging, around manifesting wealth in joint ventures, or anywhere in your life you have committed to sharing the benefits and burdens of your financial or material resources. These sudden events might cause you to confront something within yourself that usually is hidden from your awareness, and this illumination could be the catalyst for tremendous growth and transformation. Your ruling planet, Mercury, is stationing retrograde on the 9th, and this invites you to slow down, reflect inwardly, and bring elements of both caution and courage to your communications. You may be finding yourself in situations where you are being asked to strike a special balance of relating from a place of kindness and love, but also an unwavering fierceness in communicating exactly what is true for you.
In one area or another, these astrological configurations suggest that you may be visited by profound epiphanies. The energy of this can be somewhat volatile. For example, one minute you can see the whole picture clearly, only to be socked in by the fogs of confusion the next. Because of the fleeting nature of these moments of clarity, it may be a good idea to attempt to integrate new perspectives that arise in a timely manner – and to write down even your wildest ideas, or the stories that you tell yourself about your family of origin or your formative childhood experiences. This could take the form of journaling, conversing with trusted friends, seeing a therapist or counselor of some kind, or perhaps even writing poetry or short narratives that capture the essence of your realizations.
With Venus in her retrograde period, whatever wounding arises around your experience in relationship this month provides an opening to heal and love yourself more deeply. There could be communication and renegotiation required around various areas, such as realms of intimate contact, and you will definitely need to grant yourself more space this month to understand what that means and looks like for you. During the Mercury Retrograde it is best to go inside for your answers and to reflect in meditative self-awareness on all that is taking place. The Libra Full Moon of April10th presents further opportunities for growth and many blessings in disguise. Should you encounter any reactivity or feelings of anger at this time, you may wish to regard these positively, without blaming others, and perhaps to listen to them as your divine messengers. What is your anger here to tell you? Perhaps it’s less about anyone else, and more about how hard you are on yourself. We all have an inner critic, and the Virgoan inner critic can tend to be especially perfectionistic and unrelenting. The opportunity here is to bring your loving kindness, expanded awareness – and above all, acceptance – to the parts of yourself you normally push away or want to change. This kind of inner self-love has the potential to be profoundly healing and even liberating, and can then ripple out from inner realms to all of your relationships and other manifestations of your external world.
With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.
Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.
All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!
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