Posted on June 1, 2015 in Virgo
By Henry Seltzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This is an important month for you, Virgo. Your career and your creative output are in flux, and remain the focus of much earnest deliberation at subterranean levels. Relationship definition and concerns have been elusive and difficult to pin down, while your inner world has been expansive and full of hope, leading you toward a more graceful future. You are getting practical with your deeper needs. Mercury, your ruler, is retrograde now in your sector of professional endeavor, so that you are spending a great deal of time mulling over your possibilities there; perhaps seeking greater alignment with your own most profound purpose. An alchemical quickening is possible whereby your inner world assumes a more settled place at the table of your awareness while the darkness and pain within you yields to the cosmic light source of fuller consciousness.
As the month begins, your ruler, Mercury, remains in retrograde motion in your career sector. You are therefore likely to be questioning many aspects of your outer world manifestation, while also delving more completely into your inner universe, which is vaster than you might normally credit. This is indicated by the highlighted presence of Jupiter in your sector of dream imagination and inner work. You have also been going through some serious thinking regarding the way that you see the world around you, even down to your basic belief system, perhaps making some changes. There is an important moment for you when the first week of the month presents you with a big Full Moon in your sector of home and family, with the Sun opposed, at nearly the very top of your solar chart. This is a time of the full flowering of what you are attempting in this current lunar cycle, extending through the first half of June, relating to both public and private concerns. It might be that you now recognize that career choices you have been reconsidering, in order to satisfy, have to have a component that aligns more completely with your most deeply held values, operating at an almost unconscious level within you.
You might also be discovering within you in this current lunar cycle a more expansive sense of curiosity about your own and others' experience. There is greater access for you, now, to the multiple layers and complexity of each person's "truth," as well as what is collective or socially agreed upon. It may also become dramatically apparent the highly mutable nature of this concept, as each person creates his or her own reality through making meaning in each moment, and forming beliefs out of their experiences. This theme is most prominent in your field of work or profession, as well as within the field of intimate relationship — whether that is existing or potential for you. Curiosity is a key word for you this month, approaching yourself and others with an "I wonder" rather than an "I want."
While frustrations can arise if you indulge your need to figure everything out, or to attempt to force your agenda on the world as you encounter it, the way out is through a simple approach of "let's see." This is a time when asking open questions can provide access to a far vaster territory than making statements or big decisions. Where you hang on tight, confusion or stress is likely to arise; whereas when you let go and soften, compassion and acceptance soon follow. Your patience and willingness to be with it all, exactly as it is arising, can provide the right fuel for your evolutionary engine that will propel you forward when the time is right. There's an adage whose source is unknown, that "An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward." When it feels like life is dragging you back with difficulties, it might just mean that your life is about to launch you into something amazing, so long as you simply keep aiming.
The presence of numinous Neptune, in your relationship sector, is prominent in this month's configurations also. Balancing work, home, and relationship becomes delicate and may require tapping deeply into your own sensitivities and feeling qualities. There could be a sense of overwhelm or confusion — a fog that your rational mind may not have the proper resource to filter through, now. It is through the watery realms of Neptune that intuition becomes your greatest ally, that, and your willingness to sit with the great mystery. Simply being with your suffering as it arises, or another's, becomes a great blessing and provides the opportunity for compassion to flow. By gently relinquishing those beliefs that no longer serve you, you may find new and nourishing spaces of ease and comfort in your connection with others, and with yourself.
With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.
Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.
All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!
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