Posted on January 31, 2015 in Virgo
By Henry Seltzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This is an interesting and conflicted time for you, Virgo, as you continue on the path of recent excursions into partnership idealizations while pulling back from them also. This is likely to be a rather intensely introspective month, with your ruler, Mercury, running backwards in your sector of day-to-day activities and health concerns. Along with relationship, you are re-thinking many aspects of your life, and your life-direction, planning your path forward in a spiritually meaningful way that includes connection with others. You are also feeling cautious and conservative in your approach, at least on the outside and in conversation. Living the fantasy might not really be possible and yet what works is taking that idea forward as a concept to aim for and eventually to live up to. In some deeper part of your psyche, you are aware of being fundamentally optimistic about nearly everything.
As the month begins, you are still feeling the powerful energies from the Aquarius New Moon of last month, which activated your sector of day-to-day events and activities, including your workplace, and of service to others. The New Moon was accompanied by the retrograde of your ruler, Mercury, through this same area of your solar chart. Expansive Jupiter opposite these positions is filled with enthusiasm, and prompting you to delve beneath the surface layers to find important meaning within. It has no doubt been an interesting ride for you already, before the month has even started, and further fireworks accompany the first week of February as a stellium of planets develop in your opposite sign.
Mercury is making its retrograde journey through Aquarius, indicating a theme of reflection and recaLibration in many areas of your life right now. Most prominent may be the way in which you find yourself in connection with others, and the impact these relationships have on your health and the nature of your daily existence. It may be time to ask yourself where your relationships are lifting and supporting you, and where they are weighing you down. Of course the most important relationship you have is with yourself, of which you may wish to ask the same questions. In your Virgo quest for refinement and purity, there can also come criticism of yourself and others. You benefit greatly from being gentle now, finding the way to true health and happiness with kindness and smiles, rather than snarkiness and judgment.
While relationships of all kinds are up this month for you, there is a definite emphasis on romantic partnership, with Mars having made a conjunction with Neptune, at the timing of the New Moon, in your relationship sector. This configuration is two-fold: in one respect the message can be to revitalize and to activate, adding dimensions of imagination, compassion, and idealism to this important area of your life. In another way this symbolism could appear as unattainable fantasies, rashness, or a sense of disappointment when reality doesn't match up to your visions. Since Mars makes a conjunction to Chiron on February 1st, there could be some painful places within you arising as well. Yet there is a buoyancy to this configuration that can carry you through these rather difficult emotions to the other side. This is when you have new eyes, and sense of compassion for your relationship energy and for your past self, knowing that you are no longer the same person you were even just a few months ago. Perhaps through these trials you are beginning to truly trust in the universe and to believe that you can grow and flourish in the face of life's difficulties.
The intensity and the depth with which you are transforming is quite profound, and the ride is far from over. Pluto is still less than one degree from a perfect square to Uranus, and is coming to another exact hit next month. You might therefore wish to take special account this month of the sacred journey that has brought you to the present moment. By examining and giving voice to that which has brought you to where you are, particularly the events of your life that were pivotal rites of passage such as deaths, births, and other transitions, you may better understand how life has molded you into who you are. From this you may come to a visceral sense of knowing that while your past has shaped you, it doesn't have to determine who it is that you will ultimately become. You are the master of your destiny, the writer of your reality, and the artist creating your own life of beauty.
With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.
Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.
All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!
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