Posted on November 1, 2013 in Virgo
By Henry Seltzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes
This month is another that will test your soul, Virgo, but in a good way. As you navigate the inner fires of these powerful days you have the opportunity to burn off all that is not truly serving you. Your exploration of your own hidden places continues. The dramatic transformation of your creative output over this year has been productive of new insights, and now these very realizations take you into new directions. With Mercury in retrograde motion over the first ten days of this month, everything is stop and go. A contemplative stance takes you further along the path of your spiritual evolution than a strictly outer orientation. The fun comes from discovering what treasure you will be able bring with you as you rise back up to the surface.
As the month begins, you are finding that as your communication with others has slowed, your connection with the remainder of your universe has grown, almost in proportion. Ideas are coming fast and furious, but what might stop you from actualizing them is a two-fold pulling back that is well symbolized by the retrograde of your ruler, Mercury. Also during the beginning few days of the month, active Mars in your identity sector lies in forming aspect with the conservative energy for holding back represented by Saturn. The Solar Eclipse New Moon that takes place on Sunday, November 3rd, represents a huge cosmic line-up and might represent a great time for seeing where you are actually heading with all your internal revelations.
This results in strange forward motion that might look a lot like no motion at all. The dampers placed on forward momentum for you as represented by the Mercury Retrograde period has several stages, with the first stage completing on November 10th, when Mercury changes to direct, or forward, motion. Since Mercury is at this time standing dead still in the sky, at least in its apparent motion, this is one of the most difficult and uncertain days of the entire retrograde cycle. After that, Mercury slowly escapes its retrograde shadow, comprising the lost degrees of Zodiacal longitude that it must again traverse due to its former backward motion. By the time of the November 17th Full Moon this final part of Mercury's retrograde cycle is easing, and by the 27th the retrograde shadow period is completely over.
The really big astrological news this month is, of course, the fourth installment of the Uranus-Pluto square, the second this year, that has been forming all summer and early fall. Although the moment of exact is on November 1st, there are triggers for its powerfully revolutionary energy all through this month of change, most notably on the major lunations of November 3rd and November 17th. With active Mars in your sign as well right now, you do have loads of energy to be moving forward in your life, and have only to figure out exactly what that means for you, given your interesting and largely internal perspective.
Uranus and Pluto are also in close aspect with Chiron, the Wounded Healer, all month long, and this has implications for you as well, especially with regard to key relationships in your life. You might find that old wounds could come up for healing in this area. When Mercury stations to direct motion on the November 10th, it is in perfect trine with the numinous planetary archetype of Neptune. This energy is also triggered by the Last Quarter Moon of November 25th. Since Neptune resides in angular placement in your solar chart, on the cusp of your relationship sector, there are implications for how you perceive partnership in your life, as either confusing and mystically unknown or else in a spiritually idealist fashion.
With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.
Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.
All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!
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